Just ordered a 360s 250GB with Kinect on sale over the weekend. Other than a Wii I haven't had a modern console in a while so what are some good older games I could pick up cheap/used? Forza 4 will come shortly but what are some cheaper or older good games out there?
I like FPS's and most sports games in addition to driving games but I've never played Halo, CoD, DIRT, or any such console titles so help me catch up!
Mass Effect 1 & 2 are guaranteed to please!
I'm a Rockstar fan. GTA (Not for when kids are around), Red Dead Redemption, Battlefield games are all good.
Most the COD games are great, but you won't have much fun in multiplayer with the older ones. Burnout games are fun.
All the Assassins Creed games are great. Play in order.
I go back between forza and whatever FPS i'm working on...
forza3 is pretty cheap now with forza4 out... forza2 is $3 if you want real cheap...
for FPS i've played a few... prob is it doesn't take to long to beat most of them in standard gameplay... most of the games value is in online :-/...
but i've enjoyed the gameplay alone of HALO3 (couldn't get into ODST), a few CoD, and MoH... online is fun but I suck pretty badly lol
all of em I borrowed from friends (who are to busy playing newer games) or bought used for cheap.
If you're even a little interested in trying out an RPG, pick up Oblivion.
You should be able to find copies of Halo, used, pretty cheaply. Look for any of the Platinum of Game of the Year edition shooters.
if you've got a gamestop or used game shop around they are worth a look... but check the "new" prices also... sometimes the new games at the big box store cost the same or less then used...
The Platinum Edition games are your friend. They run $20-30, and any game that sells a certain number of copies go on there, so almost all of them are good.
In particular, I recommend Mass Effect (1 & 2) and Gears of War. I'm not big on "realistic" shooters, so I eschew the Call of Duty and Battlefield lines.
11/28/11 12:19 p.m.
What these guys said. If you want Arcadey- check out NFS Carbon or NFS pro street. Those should be like 10-15$ used by now.
craigslist is also a good place to look... gamestop only gives like $10-15 for used games tops so can typically get them for little more but less then you'd buy used at the store... got blackops from a buddy for $15... more then he'd get at gamestop and A LOT less then i'd buy even used at gamestop
I still have a bunch of older 360 games mentioned earlier in the thread I'll let go for cheap. Shoot me a PM. I'd rather they go to someone on GRM.
I highly recommend getting the Orange Box. I think you can get it for for $20-30 and you get Half Life 2 plus the 2 expansions for it, Team Fortress 2 (one of my favorite FPS's but not sure if people still play it online on xbox), and Portal which is hands down the best game I've ever played.
Skyrim is awsome....but not if your prone to motion sickness. oblivion was the same when I played it on a PC. Just an FYI YMMV etc, etc 
11/28/11 10:54 p.m.
Don't know if Fallout 3 is cheap these days, but I love that game. Fallout New Vegas is not a cheapo just yet, but it's also good.
Another vote here for the Mass Effect series, and also for the Orange Box. And yeah, lots of people still play TF2 on the XBOX. The Bioshock series is also very good.
Buy Fallout 3 and kiss your life goodbye. Burnout Revenge is pretty good if you're in the mood for an arcadey racing game. Oblivion is getting cheap now that Skyrim is out. As mentioned, there is no better value than The Orange Box. I'm pretty sure Borderlands is around $20 these days if you want a good, non Call of Duty shooter.
Another vote for Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
Games with depth that dont take 5 hours to beat.
ThePhranc wrote:
Games with depth that dont take 5 hours to beat.
No, but they do take 5 hours to really get in to, so keep that in mind.
I've beaten Red Dead twice and still play it occassionally. It is that good. Same goes for all the GTA's. Biggest surprise favorite for me was Castlevania. Sis-in-law got it for me for xmas last year. It's SOOOOO good.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Borderlands is AWESOME.
I am going to have to pick that one up.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Borderlands is AWESOME.
I am going to have to pick that one up.
I'm still playing it. There's hours upon hours upon hours of play time in this game, especially once the 4 expansions get involved.
I believe the GOTY edition includes all 4 expansions. There will be plenty there to keep you occupied for the entire winter at the least. I've got every bit of 40-50 hours into the game so far.
I beat the first playthrough, lost my save file, then beat the first playthrough again with another character. Currently on the second playthrough (MUCH harder) to level up enough to get through all four expansions.
Javelin wrote:
Mass Effect 1 & 2 are guaranteed to please!
This ^^
There's also Oblivion, but don't start playing that game unless you want several months of your life to disappear.
Plus, Forza 3 is probably pretty cheap used now that 4 has come out.