11/21/15 7:35 p.m.
I have always maintained that by dint of being born a white male in NA, I had won the lottery at birth.
This video pretty much confirms my thoughts. I have personally hired and paid these people at $2.00/day and the applicant list was huge.
As with all things, take with a grain of salt.
Interesting, and daunting numbers.
I do question his premise though: who exactly is saying letting people emigrate to the U.S. is helping solve the issue of world poverty? I have never heard that. Even without knowing the scale, it sounds like a fairly obviously absurd statement.
But yes, to your observation, if you can read this, you are a VERY lucky person ( global / humanity wise ).
i might be lucky, but i'm benefitting from the hard work of the people that came before me..
so, no, i will never feel "privileged" just because of where and when i was born and i don't think being forced to share my "good luck" with everyone else is going to solve all of the world's problems.
Besides, at this point, America really isn’t all that great from a pure resource prospective.
Take South America for instance…they have a significantly higher percent of land that’s farmable, comfortably habitable, has easy access to shipping, etc. than we do.
People flock here for one thing - our laws but they’re just pieces of paper that theoretically could be implemented immediately anywhere.
Of course I appreciate the huge challenges that would be involved in other countries changing their laws…I’m just pointing out the theoretical potential for a place like South America to actually be a better place to live than the U.S. in a very short period of time.
Related and amusing thought…
General aviation aircraft are the affluent white man’s only know predator.
RX Reven' wrote:
General aviation aircraft are the affluent white man’s only know predator.
Hahaha for a long time I've been saying "small aircraft are the rich man's only natural predator" 
(not quite true, there's cocaine, supercars...but planes stand out).
GameboyRMH wrote:
RX Reven' wrote:
General aviation aircraft are the affluent white man’s only know predator.
Hahaha for a long time I've been saying "small aircraft are the rich man's only natural predator"
(not quite true, there's cocaine, supercars...but planes stand out).
…we probably need to go ahead and add trophy wives to the list.
11/23/15 1:09 p.m.
Having personally worked with refugees; prior to moving to the USA, many would believe that all jobs paid great, everyone does what they love, and life is easy.
Something that doesn't get mentioned much is that the refugee populations suffer pretty high suicide numbers, mainly because the expected breadwinners of the family get here with lots of responsibility on their shoulders to support the entire family. In some cases, extended family will give that breadwinner no end of grief for being a failure in "the land of prosperity" and they feel that suicide is the only way not to be a burden.
Unfortunately, many refugees are not given a choice to where they will be resettled. Many Cubans, for example, are forced to northeast cities, only to move back to Florida when they earn enough to do so.
In the case of "which country will we go to" is all dependent on who you know what your level of language proficiency is. We get lots of Iraqi interpreters and Bhutanese teachers because they learned English. If a refugee has a cousin who immigrated to the US back in the 80's, there is a good chance they'll be resettled to the USA, even if they are sent to the opposite side of the country.
I've heard situations of Kurdish refugees in Turkey who apply for refugee status intended to stay in Turkey, only to get shipped to America. Same thing happened in India with Bhutanese refugees. They wanted to stay in India, which wouldn't have them, and they got sent to the US.
Just because there a lot of people who make substantially fewer dollars than North Americans, it does not mean they are poor, nor does it mean they want to come to Canada or the US. If you make $5.00 per day and everyone in your town is making $4.50 you are probably doing really well. And how much barter did they do that day? Dollars accumulated as a measure of wealth is a really western ideal. And if the preceding is true (not saying it is) then why would you want to emigrate somewhere you will instantly be the poorest and most disadvantaged person in the neighborhood?
Relative wealth is good for nothing except bragging rights, you can't live on an inflated ego alone. And when you're surrounded by people even poorer than you those bragging rights are also a liability. So it should be no surprise that they're willing to trade double-edged social status for material gains.
11/23/15 3:29 p.m.
I am very blessed to be a white American male. Where do you fit in?
Global Rich List
trucke wrote:
I am very blessed to be a white American male. Where do you fit in?
Global Rich List
Pretty sure a lot of the people bitching about the 1% are in for a rude awakening.
Toyman01 wrote:
trucke wrote:
I am very blessed to be a white American male. Where do you fit in?
Global Rich List
Pretty sure a lot of the people bitching about the 1% are in for a rude awakening.
Yep, if you are bitching about the 1% and I can understand you, then...
I don't really think I make a ton of money, although I certainly do better than many...Top .18 percent in income. I AM THE 1%!!!
11/23/15 5:26 p.m.
novaderrik wrote:
i might be lucky, but i'm benefitting from the hard work of the people that came before me..
so, no, i will never feel "privileged" just because of where and when i was born and i don't think being forced to share my "good luck" with everyone else is going to solve all of the world's problems.
So, what you are saying is that your are entitled, not lucky. Works for me either way.