My 5.5 X 13" Cortina wheels have seen better days. They are painted out back and the brushed aluminum has a coat of clear over it. I'd like to keep the aluminum face but paint the black part the same as the body color (colour, it's British).
Does the clear coat have to be removed first, if so will media blast kill it?
Is there a chemical stripper that won't effect aluminum?
How expensive is powdercoating?
Any suggestions?
Got a lathe that will hold them? If so, bead blast, powder coat / paint, then re-machine the face.
If no, paint stripper, clean, mask, paint, polish the face.
Aircraft stripper is good for aluminium (to keep the British theme) as aircrafts is made of aluminium. Although I found Jasco paint stripper from Home Depot to be far more effective and didn't hurt my aluminum Miata wheels.
2/2/10 11:04 a.m.
I planned to powdercoat my 944 wheels. I used Jasco to strip them, over and over again, but regardless there was still some paint residue left, so every time I tried to bake them (after powdercoating) I would end up with defects. In the end I just removed the PC and painted them with basecoat/clearcoat. I should have blasted them. I think if I had thoroughly blasted them the PC process would have worked a lot better.