I live on the "South Shore", aka the area between Boston, MA and Cape Cod. We have a few regional sayings:
Pissah: good or awesome. Add "wicked" to the front of that and it's really awesome.
"Yeah, Sully's makes some wicked pissah hot dogs!"
Ponys: Little beers. Not sure if it's regional or not.

"Yahh dood, get some ponies, khed."
"Khed": A pronunciation of the word "Kid", used as a descriptor for person. Synonymous with dude, man, guy, etc. South Boston and Quincy MA people use this A LOT, sometimes multiple times per sentence.
"Khed, this pizza's wicked good, khed."
Packie: A beer/liquor store. Short for Package Store. (Bonus: 30 Rack = 30 pack of beer)
"Dood, go to the packie and get a 30 rack of Bud Light, khed."
Sub: Submarine sandwich. "Everything on it" usually means lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickles.
"Dood, get me an Italian sub with everything on it, khed."
It's like a whole other language up here. I'll have to think of some more.