Some progress on the chassis.
Finally started the 1/25 Challenge C3. Sort of a 3 dimensional dream board.
These all represent C3 chassis from three different manufacturers. From left to right: 1968 Revell, 1975 MPC, 1976 AMT. Which would you use? Note, they mostly resemble the actual undercarriage. None are completely correct.
I want to use the non spare tire version, but the interior shell and associated parts from the Revell work better for my vision. Problem is it doesn't fit the other two chassis very well.
Going to work on the tilt nose to take my mind off the chassis for now. There's enough work in that to keep me busy.
First color on the M6 GT3. I had to strip and redo the cockpit tub. The liquid mask worked great around the molded-in black boxes, not so great around the wiring. I'll just use a Sharpie on the wires.
I am doing something totally new! My neighbor got a new RC buggy and got this 3D printed interior for it where the heads, arms, and steering wheel all move with servos, and he asked me to paint it.
In reply to BenB :
That is pretty. Vwcorvette needs to try NuNu/Platz decals, he would be less impressed, but this livery is great, easy or hard. The lumirank displays gave me a hard time on the Audi I did, yours look perfect.
The Mustang is still benched. I put the complete chassis in the display cabinet, so who knows when it will complete. So I bought and built something new for a serious change. Anything molded in Ukraine was on sale at Mega Hobby. I already use a lot of 1/35 Master Box figures for scenery on my slot track, Ukranian polystyrene is very glue friendly and their molding is super fine.
We now have an "ambulance" for Scalehampton. Note that the real thing is an X1/9 made out of VW Polo parts, the suspension geometery looks slightly better, but the structure is pretty wimpy. Ukraine must be done with these, what a race series you could do with them .
Gotta be careful the lazy ass in the jeep doesn't find that stretcher....
Nice little kit, I had about 10 hours total. The instructions were accurate, and complete. Had to wind the springs, and they say "scratch build" next to the drawing , so armature wire to the rescue, and I did the paint with fresh yellow struts that were unlikely on the real one. The basket and part of the steering column assembly are photo etch brass. Slava Ukraine!
There's gauge decals with the R/C, so the neighbor will take care of those. I scoured my collection for all the SFI decals.
In reply to TurnerX19 :
Thanks! Nunu's decals are some of the best decals you'll find in a kit. I think they're made by SK Decals, because the stripes that came in the kit are identical to the ones in the SK aftermarket sheet I used. The metallic stripes were pretty uncooperative. They didn't react to Solvaset and I had to resort to a hair dryer and hot water to get them to lay down.
Those drivers and that buggy are cool!
Javelin said:I am doing something totally new! My neighbor got a new RC buggy and got this 3D printed interior for it where the heads, arms, and steering wheel all move with servos, and he asked me to paint it.
Those eyes! That was some uncanny valley stuff until you finished them (kind of cool/creepy). The finished product looks really cool. Does the hand-brake move? It looks like it's hinged.
Ben, that BMW is beautiful. I love ghosty stripes on blue.
Bill, what's the yellow car in the background?
(This is one of my favorite threads. I've gotta build something.)
In reply to confuZion3 :
Yellow car is Fly brand 1/32 Ferrari Daytona, the track marshall's car of choice at Scalehampton. Ready built and less reliable than a real Ferrari
In reply to confuZion3 :
Yes, the handbrake moves! It's tied into the forward channel so he "pulls" the handbrake when you let off the gas (really he pushes it forward when you hit the gas). The left arm, steering wheel, and 2 head all move left/right with the steering. My neighbor is making it where the codriver's head doesn't move though, because he's reading the course notes!
Javelin said:In reply to confuZion3 :
Yes, the handbrake moves! It's tied into the forward channel so he "pulls" the handbrake when you let off the gas (really he pushes it forward when you hit the gas). The left arm, steering wheel, and 2 head all move left/right with the steering. My neighbor is making it where the codriver's head doesn't move though, because he's reading the course notes!
Yes, keeping that codriver's head in his notes will keep him focused on what's important!
Sanding. Sanding. More sanding.
Trying to get the tilt nose done for the Challenge C3.
I had to mate the 77 long hood to the 68 short hood nose. I cutout the rain cowl cover and fit the 77 in place and filled the gaps. Started using Duplicolor sandable primer. Working out real well.
Here's the underside.
Why are you swapping the hoods? Is it because you've decided to use the 68 undercarriage? You call it the Challenge C3... is this a model of your full-scale C3? (Sorry if I missed any of that elsewhere.)
I swapped hoods to create the one piece tilt nose I picked up. The leading edge is based on the older chrome bumper cars, but had a high rise hood more like the 77.
I intend to pull the monza head lights and sell them to help get this into the budget. That's why im doing all the work on the 1/25 version. Sort of a 3d dream board.
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