He was definitely an amazing individual. And by the end he was probably more of a genuine car guy than 99% of celebrities
MazdaFace said:
He was definitely an amazing individual. And by the end he was probably more of a genuine car guy than 99% of celebrities
Definitely so. In that aspect, his personal interests changed in a way similar to the arc of the character he is most famous for

I must admit I welled up a bit at the end of Furious 7. RIP, Paul.
For as much as everyone likes to memorialize him, his career likely would have been destroyed by now had he not passed away in that accident. He was known to have had multiple relationships with underage girls which is SUPER sketchy.
In reply to nutherjrfan :
Acknowledge/disavow/etc as you see fit, but a powerful celebrity courting multiple 16-year old girls for relationships is not and will never be okay in my book. For someone who is borderline worshipped in some car circles that fact is certainly overlooked pretty often.
16? are you farkin' kidding me?
I remember when Ireland legalized male sodomy months before England - for 16 year olds.
Goodness what Puritans we are when we're indulging ourselves.
And I actually believe that fornication is a sin and marriage is one and done.
Ugh. I'm out of this convo. 
RIP Paul Walker.
This thread might as well be shut down. I didn't realize I logged into 4Chan.
JFC, who defends statutory rape with a foreign countries sodomy laws?
In reply to nutherjrfan :
Not taking sides here but there seems to be a discrepancy in the reading of Irish law. From Wikipedia: The "Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act" created an offence of "buggery with a person under the age of 17 years",[57] penalised similar to statutory rape, which also had 17 years as the age of consent. The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2006 replaced this offence with "defilement of a child", encompassing both "sexual intercourse" and "buggery".
So, no, sex with children is not allowed in Ireland. Forgive me if I misinterpreted your statements to that effect.
In the meantime, I'm asking the mods that this thread be locked as it has floundered hopelessly.
In reply to nutherjrfan :
Not taking sides here but there seems to be a discrepancy in the reading of Irish law. From Wikipedia: The "Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act" created an offence of "buggery with a person under the age of 17 years",[57] penalised similar to statutory rape, which also had 17 years as the age of consent. The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2006 replaced this offence with "defilement of a child", encompassing both "sexual intercourse" and "buggery".
So, no, sex with children is not allowed in Ireland. Forgive me if I misinterpreted your statements to that effect.
In the meantime, I'm asking the mods that this thread be locked as it has floundered hopelessly.