Even before the pandemic I was working from home most days but I am kind of welcoming the idea of people starting to migrate back to the office.
There are a lot of things that can be done - and are even done best! - when you can hunker down, turn off all the electronic nags, and approach a task. But there is definitely an advantage to having different disciplines mingling in the office. It's also a lot easier to pull people together at short notice when they're all physically in the same location. I have found that with or without video, it is incredibly difficult to conduct meetings via a bridge when those meetings depend on getting spontaneous input from attendees or even having some side conversations.
I do not subscribe to the thinking that the default position of the remote worker is that they're just slacking off all day so you need them where you can see them. I also don't believe that remote workers are using all that free time that they don't spend commuting doing extra work and putting in more hours. To me, those are propaganda lies that each "side" is telling the other. I know that remote folks are slacking off a bit. Maybe it's stepping away to have a contractor measure the windows or going to pick up kids or run other errands during the day. But there is plenty of in-office slacking off that goes on as well and I think that balances. I'll admit that I've had days where I've slacked h.a.r.d. all day, but frankly I would have done the same thing pre-covid. On the flip side, I've also had days where I've gone balls-to-the-wall from early until late, so I figure that it all averages out, and I suspect that's the way it is for most.
We've been talking about a return to the office for a while now and I've actually been trying to convince my boss to pick a day that he wants to be there. I have absolutely no desire to go up there and sit by myself in an empty office building since it's about a 45 minute drive each way before we figure in traffic. But if going in to the office means that I can get face time with folks and have an opportunity to go to lunch, socialize over some coffee, or maybe grab some beers on the way home, that is very much worth it.
There is a lot of truth in the issue of advancement opportunities. I've always been able to stretch my legs a bit by being able to have those incidental conversations around the coffee pot with folks and hear about things going on across the org. Knowing that Beth in billing has a problem because Pete in procurement can't put the right data in Salesforce because Sam from sales has to change the way he quotes a service because Cathy in cloud services has a problem with software that I already helped Steve in service delivery fix means that I can stitch all that together and bring a solution. There are also more opportunities to get face time with my boss's boss and my boss's boss's boss so they know who I am and what I do. Plus more time to talk to other people's bosses so that when they might have openings or be ready to spin up something new, I can get myself into the middle of it if I want. Being fully remote really limits that.
I don't know about the whole introvert/extrovert thing. To me it sounds like a bunch of excuses and whining, but I don't really feel like I fit on either one of those labels. I'm either a shy extrovert or an introvert who loves being around people. So whatever. But I do think that an employer has an incentive for its workers to view themselves as a tribe of sorts and having these fully remote teams makes that extremely difficult, if not impossible. Of course now the question is what about an organization that has a workforce that is primarily geo-located with one another, but has picked up some geo-dispersed fully remote members through the covid times? When 12 of the team members are getting together for beers after work, but the other 5 are in 5 different cities or even timezones it's going to continue to be difficult to grow that tribe mentality. For some jobs, I think that may work out just fine. Certainly for the people that want to do their job and be finished and aren't interested in advancing through the organization. I think it may have some larger long-term effects on turnover, though, because if you're sitting in your home-office doing X task all day for people you've never actually met, why wouldn't you switch to a different group of people you've never met?
All that said, if they came out and mandated everybody had to go back to the office forthwith, I'd be pretty pissed off.