I know, not as sexy as same-sex marriage or the Confederate flag, but what soap scum busters do you prefer? Time to clean the shower, we're outta cleaner, and the ones we have been using haven't been my favorites. After we eat, I'm off to Lowe's.
(Oh, enamel tub with tile--no fiberglass or granite.)
I like krud kutter I think it's called oh and also a magic eraser, because they are magic.
Dawn and vinegar mixed together = soap scum remover
Easy Off Oven Cleaner if it's really bad.
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
Dawn and vinegar mixed together = soap scum remover
Tried this recently (50/50), except I microwaved the vinegar first, no joke that stuff does the trick. The dawn really makes a ton of bubbles though, so maybe next time not so much dawn and add corn starch or something as a thickener?
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
Dawn and vinegar mixed together = soap scum remover
Tried this recently (50/50), except I microwaved the vinegar first, no joke that stuff does the trick. The dawn really makes a ton of bubbles though, so maybe next time not so much dawn and add corn starch or something as a thickener?
Oops, forgot to mention heating the vinegar. Baking soda works as a thickener.
I tried the Krud Kutter--thanks. Lowe's had a deal where you got a full spray bottle with a gallon bottle for the price of just the gallon. Scrubbing it with blue Scotch-Brite pad worked nicely. I also picked up some foaming Bartender Keepers Friend, and that stuff worked well, too. This is the Bartender Keepers Friend: https://www.barkeepersfriend.com/cleaning-products/spray-foam/
The Kaboom scum remover with oxiclean will remove darn near any waterspot that I have ever seen in my life. Spray it down some back in 10 minutes scrub with a cloth and it is just GOOOON.
What does heating the vinegar do? My wife uses vinegar for everything but ive never seen her heat it. Does it do something special or is it just like the difference between cleaning with hot water and cold water.
My shower got to be in rather piss poor shape, not that I'm a pig or nothin'. The usual el cheapo cleaner didn't cut it all even after repeated usage. Bought some Krud Kutter and Kaboom today.
Will report back later.
Mixing an acid with a base = a neutral?
moparman76_69 wrote:
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Vinegar and baking soda
Just be careful...
I use straight castrol superclean. I figured if it degreases engines, it would work in the shower.
That it did. Very well, I might add.
I then waxed with mothers California gold. My theory was that if I waxed it, stuff couldn't stick and I could just rinse the shower after use, thereby reducing the number of times I had to clean it.
It worked well.
Until my wife slipped. Little precautionary note: don't wax the floor. That E36 M3 gets slippery whenwet.
Edit: and as a bonus, I have been banned from cleaning her house! So an all around win in my book.
As senior chemist in R&D for a home cleaner chemical company...
You want something acidic. Typical soils in a bathroom (like soap scum) are better dissolved with acidic (low pH) cleaners. That's why the vinegar works but it does have some drawbacks. Lack of any surfactant (soap) in pure vinegar or vinegar/water means it won't be as effective on some soils. Some people also have issues with the smell, but that's a personal issue. Our company makes a lactic acid based bathroom cleaner that is certified by two different third parties as environmentally preferable. I use it at home and it works great. I don't want to cross boundaries about advertising, so PM me if you want a link to it. Only danger in any of that is with unsealed ston, marble, etc. Read the directions on whatever you use. They are there for a reason.
Just as reference, greasy soils typically found elsewhere (kitchen, garage) are better removed with a high pH (basic) cleaner. That's stuff like Super Clean, Greased Lightning, Formula 401, etc, etc.
Most commercially available cleaners contain some kind of surfactants and will therefore have some level of effectiveness on almost anything. But sometimes not much.
gearheadmb wrote:
What does heating the vinegar do? My wife uses vinegar for everything but ive never seen her heat it. Does it do something special or is it just like the difference between cleaning with hot water and cold water.
exactly like that. and only slightly more effective, usually. Although it does add the lovely smell of pickles.
Isn't liquid toilet bowl cleaner some sort of acid? I remember when we moved out of base housing and they threw a fit because the shower had hard water stains (pink stuff). We had very hard water there and that stuff was a total bitch to scrub off. Out of desperation, I grabbed the toilet bowl cleaner. It had some sort of reaction (fizzed up a bit) but it utterly destroyed the hard water buildup. I'm sure the fumes I inhaled probably took years off of my life but I didn't have to pay a cent to have the unit cleaned