Need to replace the front struts on my Tahoe. I'm always pressed for free time, so I'm trying to figure out how much of a pain it'll be without taking it apart to check.
Anyone done struts on a newer style Tahoe/Silverado/Suburban? Specifically, do I have to use a spring compressor or will the suspension droop when on the jack stands be enough to release tension? Maybe use the jack to compress the spring? Bah, I don't know!
Basically, I'll probably end up doing it one night after work, in the dark and I don't want to get everything apart just to find out I'm missing tools or that there's some special tool I can't get because I'm not a GM tech.
Searching the interwebz has failed me, all I get are replacement parts or info about the adjustable suspension (which mine doesn't have).
If it matters, it's an 07, LS model, tiny 4.8L and Rear Wheel drive.