I have a family friend that has a very old house. The foundation is shot and its always leaking ground water in several spots into the basement. Of course mold is an issue and he has 3 dehumidifiers running at the same time.
He's freaking out because he doesn't know what to do and I mentioned to him having the foundation repoured. This was last fall and now he asked me about it again.
Honestly I don't even know who to contact.
Has anyone had this done? How much did you pay to have it done?
I've not ever seen it done myself for having watched the home improvement shows for years I've seen it done on them a number of times. He needs to contact a concrete contractor or two and talk to them.
I've patched small sections of my foundation where there were cracks but you seem to be talking about large sections.
I do remember seeing on one of these shows where then dug out inside the basement next to the old foundation, poured a footing, installed drain pipes, and then built a new foundation right up against the old one.
That's all I got.
PM sent. So many variables go into deciding what the best course of action is. I need more specifics about the construction of the home.
Coworker is doing this now with an older home he bought as is. Not for the squeemish, I've seen the pictures.
Kid I used to work w/ replaced the stone foundation on his (20s-30s?) house. He was no mason or contractor just a DIY kinda guy. He shored up the house and dug out the old foundation w/ a mini back hoe one side at a time. Dug down to increase the ceiling height from 5'-6' to prolly 9'. Poured footers and blocked it up, even installed garage door that he never had. Ended up really nice.
I have no idea what a contractor would charge tho, prolly not cheap.