My heavy bench pressing days are done. I have a good heavy duty Olympic weight bench originally rated for hundreds of pounds. Help me come up with some ideas to re-use this. I’ve already thought of using part of it as an outboard motor stand for two small outboards I have. Also thought of configuring it for a lift for my garden tractor for easy access to under the mowing deck.
The bench is adjustable and back pad can go flat. The bar stantions are adjustable to up to roughly 4 ft. The preacher pad can easily be removed.

If you’re dating, leave it in a conspicuous place with props giving the appearance of recent use.
If you’re married, it becomes a staging / organization device for clothing.
Oh good, "laundry rack" has been covered.
(It's been.... "covered".)
You could repurpose it as a tax credit if you donate it to a needy school or boys and girls club type charity....
12/15/18 2:27 p.m.
I would cut it up to make a rack that would connect to my trailer hitch receiver and would drag the giant wheeled garbage cans to the end of our 500ft gravel driveway.
RX Reven' said:
If you’re dating, leave it in a conspicuous place with props giving the appearance of recent use.
I completely misinterpreted your intent the first time that I read that. I think the word "props" sent me down a different path.
Beginning of a racing sim setup?
Repurpose into money from a craigslist user?
Thats a nice unit - I would probably sell it if you have anything else with it.
Where in Minnesota are you. I might exchange this for cash.
Sorry except for the racing sim, none of the above are things I haven’t already thought of. So I posted it on CL yesterday afternoon. Within an hour of listing it, I had a taker who said he’d buy it. Sure enough I soon met him and he bought it no games no hassle. Probably the most seemless CL transaction I’ve ever had where I’ve been the seller.
It goes in streaks but these weight benches can sometimes be found for free, sometimes even in really nice shape. There has to be a GRM use for these with some modifications.