Thanks guys! Haven't been on much lately but I did appreciate your recommendations.
Got back last night/early this morning without any drama. Drove my IS300 the 950 mile round trip with only a couple minor hiccups. Figure I'd share some pics, apologies they're in Facebook/Instagram format.

I wanted him to learn how to read a map, not sure if it stuck.

Hearst Castle was amazing, I could have spent all day there. He didn't think it was that cool.

The drive from Hearst Castle to Monterey Bay was incredible. Some of the best scenery I have ever set my eyes on thus far. The curvy mountain roads taking you above the clouds/marine layer near Big Sur and Gorda were breathtaking.

Carmel and Monterey had the coolest cars, especially since the RM Auction was in town. We were strapped for time so we didn't stop to check it out but we saw plenty out and about. Aquarium was great, my son had been there before but it was my first time. Had a blast.

This was Suisun City, reminded me very much of Minnesota where I grew up.

We took a tour of the Jelly Belly factory. I was able to get this pic of my car in front of the factory.

Since we were already going to the Exploratorium and Aquarium I bought the CityPass which wasn't much more and gave us the California Academy of Sciences tickets, great place. Loved the rainforest exhibit.

I waited too long and missed getting the citypass with the Alcatraz substitution, which was a bummer as that was to be the highlight of our trip. A cruise around the bay was included in the citypass and we opted for the "Escape the Rock" tour. America's Cup is in town so we saw plenty of sailboats mixed in with the normal harbor vessels. Was nice to get up close to the Golden Gate Bridge and get to see Alcatraz but the tourists were pretty annoying.

The Exploratorium was packed as warned, but still tons of fun. My son loved the electrical theory exhibits and was a natural with circuitry.

Some of the bridges and tunnels we crossed.

Final shots before we headed home. There was a lowrider car show near the Exploratorium and my son was loving it when they were hitting switches.
We had a great time, lots of memorable things seen and experienced, great food (thanks Yelp) and hope to get back there soon to check out Alcatraz and Sequoia National Forest. Didn't get many pics of my car next to landmarks, especially wanted one next to the Goldgen Gate but at least we got to drive it. Maybe catch the Dodgers at ATT park if we time it right.