Ok, My father in law is getting his first computer. He's in his fifties, and really not tech savy. I suggested a mac or apple over a PC for him considering he's really never used a computer, except for the library. So that being said, what do you guys think of my advice?
As long as he has no experience with Windows, he will be fine.
If he does have experience with windows, even just a little, he may find a mac frustrating at first, but in the end he will like it better.
I told my in-laws to get a Mac for pretty much the same reasons, and I'm REALLY glad I did. Life's too short to be the family tech support because somebody clicked something they shouldn't.
I advise not to use the phrase "learn me"
Other than that, I generally agree that a Mac is a bit better for a less than savy user. For experienced users, there really isn't much difference realistically, but I think the more controlled Mac environment works better for the less experienced. The (current) lack of real virus threats is also a bit nicer for the innocents. They aren't (anymore at least) really any easier to use than PC's but the experience as a whole is definitely different. I really like the customizeability of the Mac, but with Windows 7, I suspect they will be pretty much the same.
This of course assumes that price is not a big issue. One issue I do have with the new iMacs, believe it or not, is I think the screens might be a bit too big! The large one is just monstrous. Of course having a huge screen can be useful for those with less than perfect eyesight.
One thing to look out for with the Mac though. He may be getting a lot of those stupid PowerPoint Show things people like to send around (inspirational and all). You will want to set up something that will view those, as well as something to view WMV files in Quicktime (I have heard Flip4Mac will do that).
Flip4Mac will handle WMV videos just fine. VLC will do it very well as well, I love it on my Mac.
Have a look at www.lowendmac.com - I have a feeling that for your father-in-law's needs, a used older Mac will do just fine, which should help the cost side of the equation.
I'd go used iMac. Maybe eMac, but they're getting a bit long in the tooth now, and a lot of them have video issues.
Get one with an intel chip if possible. There's nothing wrong with the G4/G5 chips, really, but the Intel chip will be more forward-compatible.
Edit: If you've got a spare monitor, keyboard and mouse laying around, get a Mac Mini.
I use Flip4mac, works fine. Get him an iMac, or if price is an issue a Mac Mini and a used monitor. As someone who has to maintain his parent's computer, I swear they are getting a Mac next. You can set up shortcuts on the desktop to take him everywhere he needs. Set up the button bar in FireFox to his favorites sites and email account.
I got my elderly parents a decent $400 PC and put Ubuntu Linux on it. Having no experience with anything they picked it up just fine and are able to do whatever they need at pretty much zero cost to them for any of it.
Ubuntu + Firefox + OpenOffice + Thunderbird
Just be warned - if you get him a Mac, he will become smug and superior and spend all his time telling people that their choices are wrong 
I might set up my wife with a Mac next time I get her a new computer. Or I'll Hackintosh her netbook. Or I'll just keep going with the current setup, which works.
Keith wrote:
Just be warned - if you get him a Mac, he will become smug and superior and spend all his time telling people that their choices are wrong
I might set up my wife with a Mac next time I get her a new computer. Or I'll Hackintosh her netbook. Or I'll just keep going with the current setup, which works.
He's already like that, and I doubt he knows anyone that will email him. I really don't know why he wants a computer, mainly he wants to manage his retirement fund. I figured the same thing about having to maintain a PC for him. I already have mine and my wifes laptops to worry about. Cool you all pretty much justified my thoughts on my suggesting one to him.
And the "Learn me" was a joke 
If he knows nothing, and you know PC... think about PC for him.
We did the same thing with my grandpa, and all we found was that old people with no computer experience still can't use a mac, and we didn't know how to help him.
If you get him what ever you have at least you can help out when he has some problems. If you get him a mac "cause its easy", he is still going to come to you for help and you as a windows guy who has spent a decent amount of time using a mac those things are not as straight forward as people would have you belive.
(not to mention the fact that you could probably build him a brand new more then capable pc for $400 and a weekend of reading about computer components)
Well to him it's a toy, also he's going to be in Florida and I'm in Washington so going to help him won't happen. Plus he thought the 24" screen was awesome, and liked the simple keyboard and all.
5/15/09 9:16 p.m.
I recommend refurbs from the apple store. Save money, get the new computer warranty, and it looks and acts like new. Got the wife's macmini that way as well as a couple ipods. The only difference from new is they come in a plain brown box vs. the spiffy white box new suff comes in.
I don't think he's going to go for a refurb, he's a tinfoil hat kind of guy, too paranoid to use a computer someone else used. I tried about a year ago to set him up with an email account and he got all weird and wanted us to not. thought he was going to be tracked!?! Now he want's a computer, ehh I don't get him.