If you are driving your Luxury SUV, just got your hair done, and are on your way to your afternoon tennis lesson or wine/salon appointment, take a minute to look at the little rod sticking out of your steering column. See how it goes up and down? And see how when you push it up, it clicks into place and a little arrow flashes on your dashboard? Guess what? A pretty little light on the OUTSIDE of your car is also blinking! That's right, front and back of your car. And that little light tells other drivers that you are about to turn left or right. Now, I know you will have to set down your latte. cigarette, cellphone, or mascara while driving in order to start using your turn signals, but it is for your own safety. Because the next mindless idiot woman in a $400 tracksuit with a gold purse who swerves in front of me without ever looking, signaling, or noticing is going to get bludgeoned in the Bally's parking lot.
Haha. Good luck with that. Signalling turns went out of style along with respect for other people about 25 years ago.
As my FIL says "Turn signals must have been option on that car/truck".
pinchvalve....I'm with ya on this.
It never ceases to amaze me that women or men in vehicles as large as a small house don't think it would be of any use to signal on immenint(sp?) lane change. Especially when said lane change could result in them getting their gigantic SUV's sheetmetal "re-decorated". I guess these folks have never had an accident. It's my experience that when you are involved in an accident, even something as minor as a "fender-bender" you ALWAYS wind-up loosing some money....at the very least on the rental car charges.
6/14/11 1:25 p.m.
They are removed when a car with Up North plates crosses the Florida/ Georgia line on I-95. Special mechanics at the Welcome Pavilion. No charge.
integraguy wrote:
It's my experience that when you are involved in an accident, even something as minor as a "fender-bender" you ALWAYS wind-up loosing some money....at the very least on the rental car charges.
why would they care?... their daddy paid for everything as a kid and now hubby pays for everything....
I HATED delivering pizza to these same women... if the hubby paid you'd get a decent tip... they worked hard to appear so well off and tend to tip reasonably... you even had a better chance of getting a tip from these kids... but the rich woman would never give a cent...
I'm always amazed at the ones putting on eye makeup while driving... Wait till an airbag goes off and drives an eyeliner pencil through someone's brain...
joey48442 wrote:
I'm always amazed at the ones putting on eye makeup while driving... Wait till an airbag goes off and drives an eyeliner pencil through someone's brain...
Hey, one can dream. And then after taking out one moron and lead to some bizarro world lawsuit where mandatory airbags are eliminated.
Few people use their turn signals. Demographics and socio-economic status are not directly related to this behavior.
6/14/11 3:53 p.m.
cwh wrote:
They are removed when a car with Up North plates crosses the Florida/ Georgia line on I-95. Special mechanics at the Welcome Pavilion. No charge.
Up here they are removed prior to shipping from the factory.
Otto Maddox wrote:
Few people use their turn signals. Demographics and socio-economic status are not directly related to this behavior.
heh... sometimes I have to stop myself from using a turnsignal when taking a hard turn
And just about everyone in North Carolina. Seriously, it's like a requirement that people not use them or something. We recently spent a week in my home state of California. Drivers out there were far better than the ones here, at least in the SF Bay Area and up into the Sierra foothills. Made the trip much more enjoyable, since there was a lot of driving involved.
6/14/11 4:05 p.m.
how long am I going to have to wait ?
JeffHarbert wrote:
And just about everyone in North Carolina. Seriously, it's like a requirement that people not use them or something. We recently spent a week in my home state of California. Drivers out there were far better than the ones here, at least in the SF Bay Area and up into the Sierra foothills. Made the trip much more enjoyable, since there was a lot of driving involved.
It's all the transplants, not us!
We know how to use those blinky things!
I love when someone fails to signal a turn at a 3 or 4 way stop, then gets mad when you cut them off or almost drive into them.
Almost no one uses them here anymore, it is rather frustrating. Of course, if you signal a lane change when there is anything hemi powered in the lane you want ot move into no matter how far back, it usually leads to maximum force being placed on both the horn and gas pedal, then the driver frantically flaling their rolling manhood enhancement all over the road until they can get infront of you and drive 5 mph slower than you were already driving. lol
You have noticed that too, Travis?
As the owner of a BMW.. I have to pick carefully what cars I pull in front of on the highway when changing lanes. Any of the HUGE over powered SUVs (escalades and the like) or any of BMW's competitors and they tend to close the gap on me... it's like I am threatening their manhood or worse by moving into their lane to let faster traffic by.. or.. heavens forbid.. turn off of the main road.
6/14/11 5:04 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
I love when someone fails to signal a turn at a 3 or 4 way stop, then gets mad when you cut them off or almost drive into them.
Happened to me last night! And they wonder why you shoot them a dirty look!
6/14/11 5:41 p.m.
The number one thing that freaks me out (and this may be from prior motorcycle commuting), is when someone is poised to turn left (crossing in front of you first), and they are watching to the right, and are slooooowly inching forward. It ALWAYS scares the E36 M3 out of me. 
living in a tourist area.. I need to add.. just because somebody has their right turnsignal on.. does not mean they are turning right... I have seen them go "oh! lets look at that" and make a left while the right signal is still blinking.. usually without looking to make sure they are not about to run over somebody
All truth! I think turn signal are an option when you buy a car around here. I always yield to those that let me know what they are going to do. ie: use turn signals.
What gets me around here is the people that think if you turn on the emergency flasher it turns their vehicle into an emergency vehicle and people are supposed to move out of their way.