Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
In reply to 93EXCivic :
because that's where it is. It's halfway through the day. And if it's so irrelevant where the sun is, why is it so monumentally important that we meticulously manage the numbers around it?
All I'm saying is that we're applying a massively invasive solution by making everyone change clocks, increasing crime rates, increasing suicide rates, causing measurable health and stress changes to the entire population by creating a false alteration of a known mathematical entity just so some people who work certain hours have an extra hour of vitamin D.
But my understanding that these problems are largely created by the time changing so if the time doesn't change most of those go away. There are arguments for DST year round. Studies have found that robberies go down as well as accidents.
I am a miserable vajajay for the 4 months of the year during standard time.
I don't really care if we keep DST or non-DST, but good lord we should just stick to one. Switching back and forth is just plain stupid. I'll say this, having daylight until 9:30 sucks when you're trying to get kids to sleep. Now that I'm closer to the equator the days are more uniform. I like that.
Keith Tanner said:
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
We came up with hours, minutes, and seconds based on how quickly the earth rotates and we divided it into logical intervals of time and time zones. berkeleying with the hands on a clock doesn't change the rotation of the earth.
...DST is like taking a 300 hp engine, stuffing a block under the accelerator, and claiming you now have a 250hp engine. No. You don't. You pulled a trick. You didn't change the operating parameters of the engine components, you just aren't using its full potential.
First off, 24 hours divided by 60 minutes divided by 60 seconds might be math but it sure isn't logical :)
As for your power example, may I introduce the MINI One? that's exactly what it was, a Cooper with a throttle plate that didn't open all the way.
I can graph the output from our solar vs time of day. It used to be at noon. Now it's at 1 pm...
did you know we owe the 24 hour day to the Ancient Egyptians? Their night was 12 hours long, their day was 10 and twilight had an hour at each end. Hence, 24 hours, At least 60 minutes and 60 seconds are done because of the fact there are 360 degrees in a circle (or globe), but why the Egyptians get a say, I do not know.
93EXCivic said:
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
In reply to 93EXCivic :
because that's where it is. It's halfway through the day. And if it's so irrelevant where the sun is, why is it so monumentally important that we meticulously manage the numbers around it?
All I'm saying is that we're applying a massively invasive solution by making everyone change clocks, increasing crime rates, increasing suicide rates, causing measurable health and stress changes to the entire population by creating a false alteration of a known mathematical entity just so some people who work certain hours have an extra hour of vitamin D.
But my understanding that these problems are largely created by the time changing so if the time doesn't change most of those go away. There are arguments for DST year round. Studies have found that robberies go down as well as accidents.
I am a miserable vajajay for the 4 months of the year during standard time.
It's not that simple. It's not just the changing time (which is a huge factor), it's the fact that it disproportionately affects different people and different regions. If we stay on DST, people in Michigan won't get daylight until 9am and will try to sleep while sunset is at 9pm. (exaggerating, but not far off)
I totally get that you might be miserable off of DST, but I think you'll find you're in the minority. I'm not saying "screw 93EXCivic," just saying there is a much larger picture involved.
DST is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist anymore. Just get rid of it. We've already tried this full-time DST in the 70s. The economy took a hit, suicide and depression went up, and approval polls which had initially shown a 60+% favorability turned to less than 40% in one year. People HATED it and it was rescinded immediately.
In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
I agree I wish they would stay on Standard time but those golf lobbying groups have more time and money. 
I live in Qualicum Beach BC slightly northwest of Vancouver. To the point of what we call a particular instant in time by messing around with clocks:
June 17 to 24 daylight is 16 hours 15 minutes + seconds
Dec. 18 to 24 daylight is 8 hours 10 minutes + seconds
messing around with DST and standard time just seems futile. There’s plenty of daylight to go around in summer and not enough in winter and we can’t change that fact.
Put me in the camp if not caring which we choose, I just want the change to stop!
The full year of DST we had way back when was absolutely miserable. DST was an answer to nothing at all.