For a long time I thought it was Urban Legend, but this guy really did walk out of the jungle 29 years after WWII ended. He wouldn't quit until he got it in writing that the war ended.
Facing possible Seppuku I guess I don't blame him.
Tough old bstard.
Incredible. They actually flew in his commander to give him the news in person.
Not to make light of this, but along with the passing of the Professor, it's interesting to note that Gilligan's Island did an episode on a Japanese sailor with a similar story line. The funny thing is, the TV episode aired nearly a decade before Hiroo Onoda gave up the fight.

Look at that that Gilligan's Island character. Damn that's some WWII propaganda right there.
I read the short version of that guy's story several years back. One part of it describes him hiding in the jungle and watching people play golf, have parties etc. You'd think he would have gotten the idea.
Regardless, you have to admire his stick-to-itiveness.
His name was Vito Scotti.
Woody wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
Look at that that Gilligan's Island character. Damn that's some WWII propaganda right there.
He wasn't even Japanese.
So…um…did he kill anyone during that timeframe? 
Which one, Vito Scotti, the actor or Hiroo Onoda, the soldier?
1/18/14 6:08 p.m.
In reply to petegossett:
In a word, yes;