Apparently my mother has always wanted a particular colored horse. So tonight my sister, brother and myself are going to bansai from Kentucky (horse capital of the world) to New Jersey (toll booth capital of the world) to retrieve a horse and bring it back to the Bluegrass. We should be gone right at 24 hours driving 10-11 hours each way. 
The truck is my BILs 2014 Dodge Cummins 3/4 ton pulling a 3 horse slant gooseneck trailer (4,000 lbs empty).
I sort of feel like we should haul something else with all this capacity but at this last minute I doubt that will happen.
You might want to stop at Cowtown or more correctly Woodstown, NJ. It's quite the rodeo town, literally. Rodeo season is closed, but its still an interesting horsey novelty to visit.
Thats cool of you guys. If I see you guys driving through I'll wave.
10/8/15 2:26 p.m.
If you wind up on I-95N in Maryland headed through Delaware into NJ, do this:
Get off at MD Rt 279N (last exit in Maryland). Take 279N toward Newark. In about a mile you will cross into Delaware. About 3/4 a mile after that, make a right onto Rt. 4 / Christina Parkway. Take that about a mile and make a right onto DE 896S. Follow 896S and get back on I-95N.
Have a beer with the $$ I just saved you in tolls. And depending on the traffic situation, especially on weekends, it's probably faster, too. You can reverse the process on the way south, too.
Please tell me your trailer doesn't have one of those stupid "caution show horses" stickers. I wanna bump into those trailers on purpose.
That's a nice looking horse.
And the road trip was cancelled at the last minute (horse related stuff). I had already scheduled the day off work and I have AL to burn so I'll go minivan shopping instead.