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DILYSI Dave SuperDork
7/23/08 4:44 p.m.
poopshovel wrote: I pretty much hate Social Distortion more than any band ever.


Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
7/23/08 4:44 p.m.

You guys must be either really weird or never listen to Meat Loaf. I have a CD (MP3) of like 11 of his albums in the car. Just let it loop until the depression gets too much and I switch to something else.

I mean, come on. Paradise by the Dashboard Light is even car related. And Bat out of Hell is Bike Themed.

btp76 New Reader
7/23/08 4:48 p.m.
John Brown wrote: The Top 100 songs of '76 was posted to provide a humorous answer to the statement that '76 was the end all.

I certainly wouldn't say end all, but I stand by my assessment of peak.

Fritz_the_Cat New Reader
7/23/08 5:04 p.m.
Dr. Hess wrote: You guys must be either really weird or never listen to Meat Loaf. I have a CD (MP3) of like 11 of his albums in the car. Just let it loop until the depression gets too much and I switch to something else. I mean, come on. Paradise by the Dashboard Light is even car related. And Bat out of Hell is Bike Themed.

Sorry, but Paradise by the Dashboard Light is on my Top Five Most Hated Songs of All Time.

I can't even imagine listening to 11 albums worth of that crap.

And I'm sure you'd probably say the same if I subjected you to some of my personal collection of music. To each his own, right?

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
7/23/08 5:05 p.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
poopshovel wrote: I pretty much hate Social Distortion more than any band ever.

I figured it must be a typo, as Social D completely and totally kicks ass.

DILYSI Dave SuperDork
7/23/08 5:21 p.m.
Tim Baxter wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
poopshovel wrote: I pretty much hate Social Distortion more than any band ever.
I figured it must be a typo, as Social D completely and totally kicks ass.

It's gotta be. Whitey can't be so right about things like flame throwers and hippy stompin, and be so wrong about this.

ignorant SuperDork
7/23/08 5:32 p.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
poopshovel wrote: I pretty much hate Social Distortion more than any band ever.

$5 bucks hes whistlng "what what in the butt" to himself right now

stuart in mn
stuart in mn Dork
7/23/08 6:16 p.m.

"Rock and roll's been going down hill ever since Buddy Holly died." John Milner, American Graffiti

This argument has been going on for the last sixty years, and there's no right answer...I think people tend to fixate on whatever music was popular when they were in high school and figure that was the high point, but there's been good and bad rock and roll from every era.

Salanis Dork
7/23/08 6:18 p.m.

Rock and Roll has slowly been changing away from what it was 20 years ago, and towards what it will be 20 years in the future.

JFX001 HalfDork
7/23/08 6:53 p.m.

You know, I think that the 70's music was cool. I still listen to alot of it,depending on my mood. It was diverse, from soul to rock, from reggae to rap.

I remember quite clearly staying up on saturday nights to watch SNL when I was young in the 70's and seeing The B-52's perform. Never heard anything like it. Then I remember being a little older and seeing "Rock 'n Roll High School" at the drive-in. That ushered in the Clash, Blondie etc.

I guess I still have a liking for the 70's because all I had to listen to was either the 8 track in my sisters Datsun (STYX), or my little soundesign transistor radio. It was a simple time.

It was all good....just different degrees of good.

minimac Dork
7/23/08 7:02 p.m.
Jensenman wrote: I gotta agree. Meat Loaf was never a real rocker IMHO.

I was doing a job at the hockey arena in Buffalo and saw a tour bus pull into the Aud, across the street. I ambered over after work , and it was Meatloaf and crew, playing a very low profile show. Best $10 I ever spent (except for the night w/the two hookers). Couldn't have been more than 500 or 600 people there, and it was one of the best shows I ever saw. Whether you like his music or not, the man is one heck of a showman.

btp76 New Reader
7/23/08 7:21 p.m.

2 things

People do tend to gravitate to what they listened to in HS. That's why it says in post numero uno I was born in 76.

Meatloaf Sucks. He is a showman, not so much a rock star. He'll tell you that himself.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/23/08 8:00 p.m.
btp76 wrote: Punk was the retaliation to disco like grunge was the retaliation to hair bands. They both have their place. I think by the mid seventies rock had gotten over the doo wop phase and made it through the strawberry alarm clock stuff. But had yet to be corrupted by disco, dance, hair... And the "Icons" hadn't sucked yet.

I'd say that punk was more of a reaction to the early-'70s prod-rock--big solos, big productions, big costumes. Think Queen, Yes or even Led Zep. (Let the record reflect that I am a Queen fan.) But yes, punk was a reaction. I still think that the Ramones did it best. Gabba gabba hey.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
7/23/08 8:01 p.m.

Meat Loaf is great. How much music of his have you listened to? Just what is played on the radio, which is very little and not anywhere near his best. I don't know what makes someone a "rock star" or not, besides doing a whole bunch of drugs and killing yourself. But his performances/voice and Jim's music are fantastic. The albums the two did together are the best.

bastomatic Dork
7/23/08 8:38 p.m.

Ramones did punk, and then punk was done.

Actually, I listen to a lot of "post-punk." I dunno, some albums are really great and prove Rock and Roll is still alive...

White Stripes albums 1-4

Von Bondies De Stijl

Dan Melchior Broke Revue, Bitterness...

Death From Above 1979 You're a woman...

Franz Ferdinand

The Soledad Brothers Debut

Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever to Tell

The Hives Veni Vidi Vicious

My Morning Jacket Z

The Pixies?!?

So there's still good music out there, and no you still won't find it on top-40 stations. I have to agree about Meat Loaf, he makes a better meal than a rocker.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
7/23/08 8:44 p.m.

You probably don't think a Harley with drag pipes at 2AM sounds good either. Kids.

How about Blondie? Was Blondie punk? Punk enough for you?

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
7/23/08 8:58 p.m.

When Blondie was playing double bills at CBGB's with Richard Hell and singing X-Offender? Yeah, plenty punk enough for me.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/23/08 9:18 p.m.
bastomatic wrote: Ramones did punk, and then punk was done.

I like that. And I admit that there was lots of good punk after the Ramones broke: Black Flag, Suicidal Tendencies, Dead Kennedys, Misfits, Clash, NOFX, Agent Orange, Murphy's Law and so many more.

Is Blonde punk? Um, no. I'd call them first wave, maybe. Loud Harley at 2:00 in the morning? That's not punk, either.

Jensenman SuperDork
7/23/08 10:20 p.m.

I likea lot of '60's and '70's rock. Some of the '80's pop stuff is catchy (I particularly like Blondie), but 90% of it was fluffy; no substance. Punk never really replaced rock for me, unfortunately. Not that it didn't have its moments, for instance the Ramones and the Butthole Surfers. Most of the rest of it just seemed 'jangly'; more like bands were attacking their instruments rather than playing them.

The grunge movement out of Seattle got my attention though. The first time I listened to 'Nevermind', I realized what I had been missing in music for about ten years. What's called 'alt rock' has been at or near the top of my listening for a long time now.

And I still say Meat Loaf wasn't a real rocker.

jrw1621 New Reader
7/23/08 10:24 p.m.

Actually, Blondie was also early rap. But other than that she was definately New Wave not punk.

Coupefan New Reader
7/23/08 10:26 p.m.

Social Distortion puts on a great show. Saw them down at the Coach House once in San Juan Capistrano. I've always supported local bands. Hell, at one time, when U2 was alternative and obscure, and they hung out quite a bit locally.

Wowak Dork
7/23/08 10:32 p.m.

I like Green Day, and I am aware that this fact destroys any credibility for my opinion on music.

7/23/08 10:33 p.m.

Nothing worth keeping came out after Appetite for Destruction. I like all the other stuff mentioned there, for the most part, but IMO, it was actually in 1987 when the last ember went out. '76 might have been when things began to end, but there was still Back in Black and Blizzard of Ozz between '76 and '87 - can't leave those out...

BTW - I'm 28. I like a lot of stuff I shouldn't even know about...mostly because the music from my generation siphoned really bad...

littleturquoiseb Reader
7/23/08 10:39 p.m.
Wowak wrote: I like Green Day, and I am aware that this fact destroys any credibility for my opinion on music.

Wrongo ... Just because you like Greenday, Nirvana, NIN, or the Whitestripes, just shows you're either younger or more open minded then some of the "Rock is dead" folks.

JohnGalt New Reader
7/23/08 10:43 p.m.

Hmm... looks like Ozzy was checking out of Black Sabbath (imo on of the most influential rock bands of any time) around that time. You can sorta see a pattern here with rock it starts small gets bigger and grows then turns on its self and starts small again. At the end of the 70's you had these huge stadium bands then true punk rock was formed and again during the late 80's hair metal/rock then grunge came about. it is a natural cycle. But rock is in a sad predicament these days with all the one album wonders. No band has any staying power anymore. I have one rule that seems to work well, i refuse to try to any band who's name is a complete sentence. That cuts out most of the adolescent emo bands.

What really gets me is rock is not the predominant form of music any more. I have made an effort to listen to some of the rap that is put out these days and i find it to be a talentless void.

But it is not all bad Fogerty put out a new album and their are some bands that do rock pretty hard such as Wolfmother,The White Stripes, Dethklok, Koffin Kats, Nine Inch Nails, and others.

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