Since all the Star Wars fans are here, help me out with a couple of things
Just watched the DVD release of TFA and just noticed the person who handed Poe the map at the beginning of the movie looks and sounds in maybe he's been in Star Wars before...or maybe he's just super familiar. At first i though Dooku, but I'm doubting that.
Next, my kid watches the animated Rebels series. My understanding is that it fits in with the story/Time line, but I'm unsure when. I ask, because a recent episode has Darth Maul in it, and Vader is also there. Darth Maul was cut in half for flip sake. How does that work?
4/11/16 9:23 a.m.
In reply to sachilles:
Play Skyrim? The old man is the voice of the head of the Graybeards.
I haven't seen rebels, but do they say the name Darth Maul or just show someone who looks like him?
I don't play Skyrim(I don't even know what it is). Character claims to be Darth Maul, and it recognized as such by both empire and rebels.
In the comics, Maul was glued back together with robo-legs.
4/11/16 9:55 a.m.
Max von Sydow, fairly prolific actor.
Robo legs huh? I don't want to know what other prosthetics were added I guess.
BrokenYugo wrote:
In reply to Trans_Maro:
Moichandising! Where the real money from the movie is made!
Spaceballs, The Flamethrower!

4/11/16 10:27 a.m.
Another reason to look forward to December. Merry what?
sachilles wrote:
Since all the Star Wars fans are here, help me out with a couple of things
Just watched the DVD release of TFA and just noticed the person who handed Poe the map at the beginning of the movie looks and sounds in maybe he's been in Star Wars before...or maybe he's just super familiar. At first i though Dooku, but I'm doubting that.
Next, my kid watches the animated Rebels series. My understanding is that it fits in with the story/Time line, but I'm unsure when. I ask, because a recent episode has Darth Maul in it, and Vader is also there. Darth Maul was cut in half for flip sake. How does that work?
I didn't verify this, but I believe in the animated series Darth Maul had a brother. Was it maybe him?
Edit: his name was Savage Opress, never mind...
It was represented as Darth Maul by the character. It could be his brother I suppose. At the time, I didn't know to check out his legs. However nothing stood out, and I was sort of trying to figure out if maybe there was something holding him together at the mid section.
I had to look it up. Maul does return in some capacity. I'll have to start watching more of these.
Wikia writeup
In reply to sachilles:
Rebels is set just before Episode IV, and will be roughly the same time frame as this new Rogue One story.
Clone Wars was a better series by the way.
Clone Wars was really good. You began to see the troopers as people, not just fodder. People died. Jedi weren't invincible. It was really gritty for what it was. Can't wait until my oldest nephew is mature enough to watch it with me.