Rooted my wife's kindle fire finally... and installed an android jellybean rom based off the nexus7 on it...
Why did I wait so long?
Makes it so much more usable... even have seperate browsers so I can have my own stuff saved... I think I'll WOR on getting my own nexus7 for myself down the road...
Of you have an older kindle fire look into it... it makes the fire so much more usable.
Please explain for the computer illiterate. I have a Kindle Fire but have no idea what you are talking about.
Bassicly I made it into a full tablet... like one of the android tablets made by Asus, Acer, Samsung etc... a grassroots hack
Still way over my head LOL. Maybe a link to something or a step by step would help. You've made me very curious as to what I'm missing out on.
Will post the link when I'm back home
New Reader
12/23/12 7:52 p.m.
I quickly scanned this as "roasted kindle fire". Was going to suggest warranty claim.
Personally, I'm waiting to be able to port WebOS onto my Razr... and maybe a cheap tablet. (I hate Android!)
I'm c0mp00tur ignorant despite sitting in front of one while driving SolidWorks for a living. That said - when my wife got a Kindle Fire, she gave me her rooted/android previous generation Kindle, and it's excellent.. For checking mail, facebook, GRM, and my current read, in bed, it's perfect.
12/23/12 10:20 p.m.
Reading this on a nexus 7. Best purchase I've made in a while. Perfect size (much like kindle size). Awesome for travel and general browsing! I feel like tablets are definitely not a necessity but their damn nice if you can afford one.
ya I didn't think i'd like the size... but the more I use it the more I like it... still prefer the laptop for couch surfing with replies....
anyway... this is good info for starters
at minimum i'd root it and install the google app store/market place
Hmm, not really seeing much that I'm missing from stock.
12/24/12 10:51 a.m.
Neat. I got my kid a new kindle fire for christmas, which means my old one (which I have always griped about the UI on) might have this happening to it soon.
Ya stock kindle fire ui is rubbish....if you use an android phone you quickly see how much the Amazon android market is missing vs googles market
Let me know when you can load iOS, I find Android to be good for nothing but frustration 
neon4891 wrote:
Let me know when you can load iOS, I find Android to be good for nothing but frustration
Funny, I feel the same about iOS. I've been running android since the TMO G1 came out. I have to support a bunch of iPhones/iPads at work and hate them.
Wife got an iPad for Christmas. As soon as she gets it up and running, synced and loads a few nookbooks onto it, Ima root her never-to-be-used-again nook color. 
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Wife got an iPad for Christmas. As soon as she gets it up and running, synced and loads a few nookbooks onto it, Ima root her never-to-be-used-again nook color.
I want to say of was a friend rooting a nook color or tablet is when I first looked into rooting...
As for iOS... u can keep it...
12/25/12 5:08 p.m.
If you don't want to commit to rooting your nook color, you can boot off a microSD. Especially if concerned about warranty.
I created a bootable microSD with android (cyanogen) for my nook color.
With the card in I'm running android with the google play store,if I boot with the MicroSD removed it boots to the factory nook OS.
I'm reading this...
Just rooted my wife's Nook Tablet. Easy as pie. She's giggling now and loading all sorts of stuff she couldn't before. Best part is the B&N stuff is still there.