In reply to alfadriver :
Of course; I meant whenever you're once again home. I should be doing anything other than pursuing DIY camper plans right this minute, or this year, so there is no timeline too long. If you stumble over this thread again sometime next year that would probably be ideal. 
Jesse Ransom said:
In reply to alfadriver :
I did a super-quick search and got bogged down in YT dregs... I'll try again later and I'm sure I'll find stuff. If you happen to get the chance and recall any you particularly liked, that would be awesome, but no worries if that's not something you have lying around in handy bookmarks.
Forgot about this thread...
Here's a few that I thought were interesting-
A guy making a simple TT- this is part one.
Slide in camper-
those are the two that I liked, but I've kind of watched some of the foamies- which almost all uses poor mans FB- which I really hate. FB isn't *that* expensive. And considerably stronger than PM FB. But most of those are real tear drop trailers, as opposed to stand up trailers.
One common thing I've seen is the use of pretty heavy plywood- which IMHO is overkill. Just look at the crap that TT's have been made with for decades, and a reasonable upgrade is just 1/4 ply.
But my thoughts are more a simple wood frame, with hard board insulation, and then covered with structural FB for the outside. Noting my previous note- vintage campers' structure is a simple 2x2 hardwood frame (not dimensional 2x2 but real 2x2) with a very thin interior skin (seems like 1/8 luann) that is glued- and that is it. The outer al skin does nothing.