4/8/11 3:58 p.m.
Just took my grandson to a scrap yard so he could sell some copper and aluminum. In the yard was the very familiar shape of an older P car. Turned out to be an early 914. Asked the foreman what they were going to do with it, he said it's going to the crusher. Very rusty floors, but mostly complete, as in the engine was there. Sad end.
Sad, indeed. I do like the 914, but I am no fan of zee rust.
Ian F
4/8/11 4:29 p.m.
There is a derelict 914 in a field near Allentown, NJ. Been sitting there for years, slowly returning to earth. There used to be an even worse 356 next to it, but that disappeared a few years ago.
There are enough rusty 914s in the world. Good riddance...
Or there aren't enough people saving rusty 914s?
4/8/11 11:48 p.m.
z31maniac wrote:
Or there aren't enough people saving rusty 914s?
GRM did a few years ago...
i know of one of those that's been sitting in the same spot in a guy's back yard for at least 30 years now.. it's sitting right between an early 2 seat T Bird and a '70 or so Nova.. the guy is going to fix them up some day..
4/9/11 10:44 a.m.
This thread got me curious, so I went and checked the prices of 914s on a major German classifieds site. The first page was what you'd expect, half-done projects for €1300, drivers and survivors for 4000 - 5000... Skip ahead to the last page, and
Yes, that's three, not one, count 'em, THREE 914 ads that are asking over a hundred freaking thousand euro, and one of them is near-as-makes-no-difference three hundred thousand. Okay, so that one is a factory racing car with pedigree, but still... And the other two? I don't care how nice they are, '70s 911s don't even go for that kind of money! That's not the end of it, there are, like, a bunch listed there between €50 000 - €80 000. Did I miss a day and the world went insane overnight or what?
4/9/11 10:56 a.m.
^^ For comparison, the most expensive 944 on that site is €38 900 and the most expensive 356 is "only" €325 000, or barely 8% more than the 914. WTF?
Methinks the Urpeen climate makes them dissolve quicker, there are fewer around and rarity drives pricing. Still a pile o' money for a 914.
4/9/11 11:19 a.m.
I doubt that... There are six pages of them for sale on there. They use about 1% of the road salt here that gets put down in, say, New England.
Sheesh, for the amount of money they want for that last 914 you could buy this RUF 930 slant nose, this De Tomaso Pantera, this Lamborghini Countach and still have a couple of grand left over for a line of cocaine that you could snort off the hood of the Lambo through a sterling silver drinking straw. Not that I've thought this through or anything.
No kidding? Wonder why the disparity? FWIW, they were originally sold as Porsches over here and VW-Porsches over there, allegedly due to a fight between the top brass at both companies and Karmann. Supposedly the VW moniker was done to distance the car from the 'true' Porsches and keep the price down.
They all are 914-6s... but that's still outrageous.
My boss has a car that started life as a 1971 914 1.7 liter that is now valued at over half a million dollars.
Go ahead, guess....
I once found a mostly-complete 914 in the boneyard as well. My dad was with me, and knowing about how rusty they get, I had him sit in the passenger's seat. Yea, the door wouldn't catch with him in the car. The car bent in half like a freaking diving board.
I have seen quite a few in the junkyard as well.