...and the nerds.
I've officially crossed over from "Eccentric Margie" to "Crazy Marge" with this—I've gone and written a letter to The Daily Show. But dammit, I'm not taking this crap lying down. Here's my rant:
Mr. Stewart,
I live in Volusia County, Florida, fertile ground for "The Daily Show" humor thanks to our apparent inability to vote properly in the 2000 presidential election. I wanted to alert you to another round of idiocy here in Volusia.
Since this is Florida, our voters come from the "screw them" school of paying for anything via taxes. Combine this with a large population of FOPs (f'ing old people) and pseudo-Republicans (you know, the people who are solidly in the demographic most often overlooked by the GOP, yet who somehow identify most with them in some sort of weird Helsinki Syndrome behavior), and you get a place where education is, ah, undervalued.
Now, thanks to the housing bust, our schools' main sources of what tax funds they get have been drastically reduced--to the point where the Volusia County school system has lost a significant chunk of their operating budget.
How significant? Enough that as of this semester, all extracurricular activities are to be suspended. As are JV sports and cheerleading, academic competitions, all the sorts of things that those silly college admissions people look for on a student's resume. Florida will be having a state science fair, for example, but no one from Volusia County will be there because there's no county fair. These cuts follow on an absolute bloodletting in teacher staffing at the beginning of the year.
But that's just this year. Next year, our superintendent has announced, all art and music programs will be eliminated. As will all sports. All of them. All accelerated programs, such as AP and IB (International Baccalaureate), will be cut. So if your kid is college-bound, they'd better not aspire to a nationally ranked school, because they're going to be way behind the curve. Not that they would have anything on their college applications or could afford to go anyway, because these two programs are the main sources of state academic scholarships in Florida. But apparently not for Volusia County students anymore.
The economic "powerhouse" of our county is Daytona Beach, land of Harleys, strip clubs and spring break. (I'll pause a minute so we can all let out a big "yyyeeeaaaahhh!" redneck scream.) We're just up the road from the cultural mecca that is Orlando. Either city provides ample illustration of the dumbing of America, and a perfect backdrop for the story of the county that decided a mediocre education was all the public owed to its kids.
I have attached a link from a story in our local newspaper, The Daytona Beach News Journal, detailing some of the budget proposals. Our school superintendent is holding meetings around the county to solicit opinions about these cuts; the next one is Wednesday at 6:30 in Port Orange, Fla. This is exactly the kind of story "The Daily Show" could cover appropriately and in all its sad, nuanced stupidity. Please let me know if there is any way possible that you might be interested in the story, and if there's anything I could do to help.