DILYSI Dave wrote:
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
I'll sue our loser county for voucher funds on the basis of failure to provide a path for state academic scholarships and go there if I have to. I'm just gettin' started.
1. Good for you.
2. Didn't we have a pretty healthy debate in the last couple of years where I was for vouchers to allow parents to get their kids out of failing school systems, and you were solidly against them? Something about how one should work to improve the schools rather than abandon them?
What happens if you win a judgement against the county and they give you one of the same kind of IOUs that the State of California is giving their employees right now. Sometimes no money means no money, even if the law says you are entitled to it.
Well, actually, I called that school board today. They don't need any money, and would be glad to consider my kids for their IB program.
I told them I was glad to know I had the option, but I was going to stay and fight it out in Volusia for as long as possible.
They need me. 
Just heard: 700 people expected at budget meeting, most IB parents.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
I'll sue our loser county for voucher funds on the basis of failure to provide a path for state academic scholarships and go there if I have to. I'm just gettin' started.
1. Good for you.
2. Didn't we have a pretty healthy debate in the last couple of years where I was for vouchers to allow parents to get their kids out of failing school systems, and you were solidly against them? Something about how one should work to improve the schools rather than abandon them?
1. I would do this as a very last resort. And I'd still stay in the public education system, so I actually don't think I'd need the funds. My talk of lawsuits was mainly because I'd like to do something to make the point that they're. screwing. up.
2. Bite me.
I really wasn't trying to be a smartass. I just didn't know if your opinion had shifted, if this was a different scenario that we had talked about, etc.
WHO IS BITING WHO???????????????
Too late, Dave, you're patio filler. 
Jensenman wrote:
The screwed up thing in SC: the lottery was trumpeted as a way to improve education funding, it's even called the Education Lottery. It turns out the majority of the money has gone to higher ed which honestly didn't need much help.
The elementary, middle and high schools in the poor counties with a crappy property tax base (that's how SC funds its schools) don't see a damn dime of that money. That has always bugged me.
And the colleges just upped their tuition to eat up any scholarship money.
Tommy Suddard wrote:
The proposed solution.
Is that what I get buried in for questioning her majesty, or is that how we fix Volusia County? FWIW, I think that flooding the entire county is a viable option.
Per Schroeder wrote:
Don't you mean "Dam!"? This is a family board. 
You couldn't make a damn like that in FL. That valley must be what, 200ft deep? We don't have scary elevations like that here.
Oops, product of FL school system here. I meant Dam. 
Tommy Suddard wrote:
Just heard: 700 people expected at budget meeting, most IB parents.
Am I the only one who read that as "700 people executed at budget meeting"? Too much patio talk.
MrJoshua wrote:
You couldn't make a damn like that in FL. That valley must be what, 200ft deep? We don't have scary elevations like that here.
We get trucks around the office sometimes. They could transport the... ah... materials to other locations.
1/9/09 8:14 p.m.
As a retired educator, I hope the commenter on the article in your post was exaggerating when they said there were 4 to 8 assistant principals in each school. Either that or you have some humongous schools.
In the MD/NoVA area it is generally 1 assistant principal for every ~500 students. I think I smell a vastly overinflated administrative staff in your school district. Not that I am suprised since it is fairly common.
Maybe that is an area that needs to be examined for cutting.
1/9/09 8:26 p.m.
Patio.....or Pavillion ??????
JFX001 wrote:
Patio.....or Pavillion ??????
I already told you guys, Auto-x venue.
Why do you think they moved the HQ? I vaguely remember them saying that they needed more "room for expansion"