My wife and I had to put down one of our dogs this morning. He was the first dog we owned together. He was 14 and had complications from diabetes. I couldn't watch him suffer anymore. They were talking about taking him to a University Vet for intensive care and knew that it wouldn't be right, he wouldn't understand and he would be scared because he was blind. I know he's in a better place.
Thanks for the memories Sammy.

4/4/16 12:14 p.m.
Sounds like it was time to rest. My sincere condolences to everybody who knew him.
Condolences. That always sucks.
That sucks, but you made the right choice. Sorry for your loss.
I can vouch for that. I had to have my daughter's dog put down a coupe of years ago. She was always supposed to get him when she got settled and I was looking forward to having him gone. But not that way. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do. My condolences.
Saddest day of my life was when my family had to put our Beagle down when I was 16. He was pretty much the worst dog imaginable in every possible way, but we grew up together and he always had a big E36 M3 eating grin on his face that you could never stay mad at. His successor is still alive and well at my parent's house and I've now got a furry little bastard of my own, but I still miss the hell out of him.
Damn it, now I'm gonna have to shut my office door for a while.
4/4/16 12:32 p.m.
Really sorry. We lost two in the same year - about a year and a half ago. It does suck. Glad you had the 14 years together.
Been there. I feel for you. 
4/4/16 1:01 p.m.
So sad. I am sorry for your loss.
Oh boy, this is sad news. I've shed many tears over dogs I've lost. I think you made the right decision too.
You are in my thoughts today.
We're in the process of that now. This is going to be Lily's last week. She's 16 (best guess; but rescue so... who knows), and things are just shutting down. We want her to go while her quality of life is still pretty good. She skipped three meals this weekend, and food used to always be her favorite thing. So we figure this is the final stretch.
We're spending the week pampering her with all kind of treats and spending super extra time with her for her last week. The fanciest wet food and as many treats as we think we can give her without making her sick: peanut butter, bacon, ice cream, maybe even some beer.
It's really tough because she seems perky and alert and happy today. We want her to end on a high note, but we don't want to cheat her.

That's her. She likes to lay down draped over my foot, because she's mostly deaf and wants to be able to keep track of her people.
I'm right there with you Rob, we had to put down my oldest german shepherd 3 weeks ago, we only knew she was over 12 years old, but never knew for sure as she showed up as a nearly starved to death stray. As much as it hurts still, I take solace in the fact we did give her a better life. It has been remarkably tough for me as she was the rarest of pets, the type to choose one single person as their own versus a family.
I had to put down both of mine withing a few months of each other several years back. Still don't have dogs to this day, still miss those two knuckleheads too much.
Sorry for your loss.
4/4/16 2:29 p.m.
We're dreading the day with Ralph. He's been in our lives since he was about 5, and it is has been 7.5 years now. Vet thinks he is closer to 14, we thought he was closer to 12, so we say he's 13. He is an OLD golden now, but still happy. Just sleeps a lot and takes a little effort to stand, and his walks are so much shorter now.
Losing my first dog was harder than losing a relative, to be quite honest.
A year and a half ago, I wouldn't have really understood this. That's when we brought home our Springer Spaniel pup. She's as much a part of us now as the kids are, and sometimes she's less annoying and a better listener...
I can't really imagine needing to make that choice, yet some day I know I may have to.
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss.
Was away in the military when my parents had to put down the dogs I grew up with.
Had a lab-mix that was about 13yo and had arthritis bad and came home to her in her bed passed away. Now have a toy poodle rescue that's about 14yo or 15yo, don't know for sure. Didn't have a good life before we got her. She's spoiled rotten now. Blind in one eye, losing her hearing, losing her teeth and can't jump on the couch anymore. Sometimes falls down stairs. Have had her 8 or 9 years now, lost track. Sometimes allergies or asthma gets her. Dreading the day I have to make that decision.
I'm sorry to hear that, it's never easy. Honestly, I've shed more tears for my dogs than my family members, I know how important and how hard it can be. Best of luck to you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. Saying goodbye to our #1 fans is about the toughest thing to ever do.
On Feb 29th (leap year will never be the same) we came home from being out for an after work drink with friends and found our Zoe panting and looking bloated. We took her immediately to the emergency vet where they took x-rays and could see that her intestines had twisted, causing the bloating. It was either do emergency surgery right then or decide to let her go. We made the call because of everything else she was dealing with. She was 14.5 and had been battling cancerous tumors on both her liver and spleen and most likely in her stomach as well. The last 6 months or so of her life had been pretty up rough and she was on chemo to hopefully reduce the size of the tumors and extend her life. We tried 4 different chemo drugs but none of them were producing results. She would have days where all she wanted to do was rest and that is what we let her do.

Her nausea, vomiting and diarrhea had been pretty much kept at bay for a few months with drugs but on the 29th she had refused her afternoon nausea meds.

Having had her since she was 8 weeks she was by far my best friend. I met her at the local SPCA where I volunteer on the day they broke ground on their education building. She was one of a litter of 5 that had been dropped off at the shelter a few days before.

Her breed was mixed but she was blue merle and looked like a border collie/aussie/catahoula mix. We did three levels of obedience training together and worked at agility training often over the years. She never ran away and didn't need to be on a leash as she was great at verbal commands. When I would mow or do lawn work she would just find a spot to hang where she could keep her eye on me. I brought her to work with me for years and on may road trips to pick up cars or parts.
Before I got married I had a roommate for a few years with a dog and they became great buds.

When I met my wife she had a cat and when they got together for the first time they sniffed nose to nose and seemed to say "we're good" and never had an issue. As we added more cats over the last few years they all looked to her as their big sister.

She was even the flower girl at our wedding.

My life will never be the same without her and I miss her every day. We had 14+ wonderful years and I'm lucky to have the memories I do. RIP Zoe girl.

I still get teary eyed reminiscing about our Komondor of twelve years that passed away over Christmas. Best Dog Ever. It was a honour to have shared my life with such a great dog.
Sorry you had to say goodbye, but I'm glad you were able to and that when they went, that they went quietly, without fear and surrounded by love.
We still miss ours and will do so forever. It is nice to think back on the good times, but the striking thing is adjusting to the changes in your routine. That was the hardest to adjust to.
Get some rest and take care of each other, things will get better from here.
When i was 19 i went with my dad to have his husky put to sleep, probably the most emotional i had ever seen him. Was a tough decision but she attempted to bite a child in the house. Dad said it was easier to deal with then a disfigured child. Always sad too lose a part of your family.
I'm really sorry for what you're going through. When we put Rufus down 10 years ago I said "No more, that's it, NO critters!"
Stella's only been with us for a few months and I already know when something happens to her it's going to be ugly.
Rainbow Bridge my friend.

In reply to SyntheticBlinkerFluid:
That is one happy looking pup. Be happy knowing that you gave him a good life that thousands of other dogs only dream of. His is up there romping and playing,happy with sight and pain free. Yes he misses you but he is happy warm and well fed.
Be happy for him as he is thankful to you for the great life that he had with you.