We just got off the phone with Joey Leh, former editor of Sport Compact Car, who informed us that the majority of the magazine's staff was laid off yesterday and that the February issue will be the last SCC you'll find on newsstands. The death of SCC follows Source Interlink's execution of Turbo earlier this year, and reports suggest that 115 employees have been given the boot and more titles could be axed in the future.
Sport Compact Car was the go-to title for gearheads obsessed with small displacement engines, forced induction, number crunching and the black arts of ECU and suspension tuning, with a dedicated focus on down-and-dirty tech, unique reviews, stellar writing and going fast on a budget. Both the page count and circulation numbers have dropped over the last five years, although according to our sources, ad revenue was up and distribution was holding steady.
On a personal note, SCC was the magazine that got this scribe hooked on driving and the finer points of air-to-fuel ratios, provided me with my first freelance gig and inspired me - primarily through the writings of Dave Coleman, Josh Jacquot, Mike Kojima, Andy Hope, James Tate, John Pearley Huffman and Jared Holstein, among many others - to pursue my dream of writing about cars. SCC will be sorely missed and the world is truly a worse place without it.
Hit the jump to see a list of everyone who has made Sport Compact Car possible over the last two decades.