Dang it, I just got stung by a scorpion while I was in bed!
I'd just turned the light out and laid back down when I felt a slight tickling on my back so I reached back there and rubbed it and then felt a slight pin prick to my back and my finger. I didn't think much of it for about 5 seconds and then suddenly I just knew it was a scorpion. I jumped up and turned the light back on and sure enough there was a small scorpion crawling around on my pillow.
Technically we are in scorpion territory, but we've only seen 3-4 in the last 4 years and they were small.
Last week I killed a fat juicy one out in my shop (the first juicy one I've ever seen), but since it's far from the house I didn't think much about it.
I had kinda worried in the back of my head that since the winter was so mild that we had more bugs that could be a food source for them so I was thinking I might need to spray. Guess I waited too late.
Now I won't be able to sleep for feeling the little buggers all over me. I changed bedrooms and went to the other end of the house, but I'll still feel them. I took a diphenhydramine just in case of any type of allergic reaction.
Anyone have any fool proof tips on getting rid of them?
I have diatomaceous earth which I've heard irritates the joints of many bugs, but supposedly that's just for sprinkling around the perimeter.
We had alot of them - Raid Bug Barrier around the foundation and around all windows/doors/any other break in the walls.
It's been about 6 months since I sprayed, we've had 3 in the house in the last 3 days - so I sprayed again today.
EvanB wrote:
I only wish!
I sprayed the baseboards with Ortho Home defense and just set off a bug bomb. Napalm is next.
BTW they seem to be more active when they are little. Bigger ones, we really only have the smaller variety here, don't run around much. This little one did!
btw... most of the world is in scorpian territory. They can survive in one form or another from mountaintops to the oceans... It's just the more desert areas that seem to grow them big and juicy
My mom lives outside of Austin and scorpions come up her bathtub drain. She keeps the shower curtain closed so when she goes to take a shower she smacks the curtain a couple times and the scorpions fall in the tub.
She uses Windex to immobilize them and then grabs them with forceps and throws them back outside.
Ian F
4/29/12 8:01 a.m.
In reply to SyntheticBlinkerFluid:
What? I'm all for humane treatment and all, but when animals enter my house, more often than not they ain't leaving alive...
I was certain that this was a Fiat Abarth thread. Who the heck lives with scorpions? Good golly, move! Certain parts of the world are not meant for human habitation. You may be in one of them.
1988RedT2 wrote:
Who the heck lives with scorpions? Good golly, move! Certain parts of the world are not meant for human habitation. You may be in one of them.
That's what I was thinking last night.
I've never been stung by a scorpion before and it begins small and the pain builds. It felt like a pinprick but you could feel the poison underneath the skin spreading and stinging more and more. It wasn't like a bee sting.
On the bright side, perhaps if you get stung often enough you will build an immunity to them.
Just be sure to use your new powers for good.
My daughter was deathly afraid of them when we first started seeing them. We moved into this house when she was 7. After the first time she got stung she wasn't as afraid. Now if she sees one she'll calmly come get me.
She realizes the sting isn't nearly as bad as she thought it would be. She's been stung twice and the boy once. I've avoided it. I did have one inside a shirt I put on once, but it didn't sting me. I just felt it crawling around.
Ian F wrote:
In reply to SyntheticBlinkerFluid:
What? I'm all for humane treatment and all, but when animals enter my house, more often than not they ain't leaving alive...
My mom wants them to go outside and have it out with the spiders
just to make you itch more...
I was hoping this thread was about these Scorpions

• Scorpions can easily be seen at night with an ultraviolet light due to a fluorescent material found in their hard outer covering, which gives a "glow in the dark" appearance.
I know what I'm doing tonight BEFORE I go to bed.
Just don't use that UV bodily fluid "activator" like you see on forensics shows, or else you'll never use those sheets again.
Also be glad your scorpion wasn't undead. Those are always the worst:
4/29/12 5:46 p.m.
Some scorpions are a menace, some are something else:
Scorpion, cockroach, snake problem solved forever:
Brett_Murphy wrote:
Scorpion, cockroach, snake problem solved forever:
Polar bear problem, not solved 
I'm awful glad I don't live in an area that sees scorpions. The nastiest insects we get around here are wasps and various stinging bee varieties. And they don't invade houses, usually, just stink bugs.
I'm so glad I live in Canada.
Trans_Maro wrote:
I'm so glad I live in Canada.
Paruroctonus boreus lives in Canada.
m4ff3w wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote:
I'm so glad I live in Canada.
Paruroctonus boreus lives in Canada.
And you've got bears! BIG BEARS!
I'm ok with bears.
If there was a bear in my bed, I would notice it BEFORE I laid down.
Not -that- kind of bear, get your mind out of the gutter