OK, time for the next and long over due BS session. I keep trying to get together will Jeff, Gearheadotaku, for a while and things keep going wrong on my end. So I've put a line in the sand and it's next Weds for sure,
Anyone interested. Lot's going on so I wont be making a heavy/late night of it, but I want a couple of brews and a burger. The old stand by Griffin Claw as it's close with good beer and bar food.
Any takers?
See ya there! Got a lot of weird stories since the last time, between a flower covered race car, a goofy ass pick up, and crazy engineers ive been busy.
In reply to HippieWagon :
You better turn up in Daisy

I'll be there, looking forward to stories.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson :
Even michigan wont let her on the roads...something about no taillights, brake lights, aimed headlights, etc...
That should work for me too.
HippieWagon said:
In reply to Adrian_Thompson :
Even michigan wont let her on the roads...something about no taillights, brake lights, aimed headlights, etc...
Girl, so what, it's Michigan. Come summer when you don't need lights I bet you could daily it for a month and never be pulled over.
In reply to wawazat :
Hmmm, ride? maybe more than a couple of beers !!!
Can't, in Toronto for work next week
In reply to Adrian_Thompson :
Make Downriver trash again?
BTTT-what time are we thinking here err body?
Just saw your post Adrian. Yeah I can cart your drunk arse home!
I'm shooting for 6:00 at Griffin Claw. May slip to 6:30 depending on when I leave work.
I'm dropping someone at the airport in Cleveland at 5, think I could still make it?
In reply to chandler :
Google says 2hr 53 mins door to door. Increase your speeds by 20% (70 mph - > 84 mph) and you can cut that down to 2 hrs 18 mins.
You'll be about 1 hr late.
Personally, I'll be in Columbus, OH till about 3 pm. Then, 2 hours to Sandusky (5pm) and 2:20 more to Birmingham would get me there about the same time, but too much!
Phooey, the one night I can’t make it. You all have fun
Put me down for an absolutely, positively maybe.
In reply to DeadSkunk (Warren) :
I'll positively do that, probably.
I'm gonna have to bow out - last minute, which sucks. Sounds like it'll be a good evening, enjoy..
Change me to.....I'll be there! My son will be joining us, too.
I'll be there around 5. Happy to stay all evening for the late crowd.
Still in! See yall there to swap tall tales and superstitious nonsense!
Leaving 12 and Haggerty now. On my way