A seal has been caught on camera trying to have sex with a penguin.
This seems to be the first example seen in the wild of a sexual escapade between a mammal and a different kind of vertebrate such as a bird, reptile or fish, "although some mammals are known to have attempted sexual relief with inanimate — including dead things — objects," said researcher Nico de Bruyn, a mammal ecologist at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
One summer morning, scientists observing elephant seals on a beach on Marion Island near the Antarctic spotted a young male Antarctic fur seal subduing a king penguin.
"At first we thought it was hunting the penguin, but then it became clear that his intentions were rather more amorous," de Bruyn recalled today via email.
The roughly 240-pound seal subdued the 30-pound adult penguin by lying on it. The hapless bird of unknown sex struggled, rapidly flapping its flippers and attempting to stand and flee, without luck.
The seal then alternated between resting on the penguin and thrusting its pelvis at the bird in vain attempts to insert its penis for 45 minutes. Natural, unsuccessful sexual escapades by this variety of seal with members of its own species may last as long as this penguin assault did, "but yes, it is quite a long time and thus unusual," de Bruyn told LiveScience.
The Antarctic fur seals of Marion Island are the only seals known to eat king penguins. The thrill of the hunt felt by the seal the researchers saw may have channeled into its sex drive, as the mating season had just come to an end.
"It may have wanted to eat it and half-way through the chase changed its mind," de Bruyn speculated. "I personally believe the link between aggressive and sexual behavior is evolutionarily far closer linked than we currently believe. This has obvious implications for humans."
On the other hand, the amorous seal may simply have been sexually inexperienced and playful, and wanted practice, the researchers conjectured.
Or maybe he just likes to play with his food... :grin:
Edit Oohh! I like the preview feature! How come this new markdown international stuff doesn't display right in the preview?
"NO! NO! I was just eatin' ice cream!!!"
*if you've never heard this joke, please hit yourself in the forehead with a hammer.
"NO, I was just eating ice cream"
Exactly the first thought I had, too!
EastCoast, as far as I know markdown uses some pretty complex text-replacement routines that are beyond what one can do in javascript with any reliability. If anyone knows otherwise, I'd love to hear about it.
Nice to know that even on the test board Wally rules.
It doesn't use bbcode. You can click the ? in the formatting tools, but the short version is you can use basic HTML, markdown syntax or the little camera tool thingy in the formatting controls.

Tim Baxter said:
It doesn't use bbcode. You can click the ? in the formatting tools, but the short version is you can use basic HTML, markdown syntax or the little camera tool thingy in the formatting controls. tool thingy. Que?
In between the quote thingy and the help thingy.
Bold, Italics, links, quotes, camera, help, smilies....
Oh, the insert image icon. I didn't know what you were talking about, or for that matter who you were replying to. :grin:
I'm glad to know I can spread a little joy to make up for the misery I cause in real life. And thanks for the ice cream joke, I hadn't heard it in years and my wife can't figure out why I'm giggling now.
5/19/08 12:34 p.m.
CanexicanStig wrote: "NO! NO! I was just eatin' ice cream!!!"
*if you've never heard this joke, please hit yourself in the forehead with a hammer.
Umm... I don't think I've ever heard that joke. Is it okay if I hit all the people who haven't told it to me in the forehead with a hammer?
A penguin is driving down the road when he notices a bit of smoke coming out from under the hood. Thankfully, there's a service station just up the road. He coasts in and asks them to have a look at the car.
They tell him that it will be an hour, but that there is a dinner next door, and he can feel free to grab a bite while he waits.
He goes next door and eats a nice meal, finishing off with dessert.
He goes back to the service station to check on the status of his car, and when he gets the mechanics attention, the mechanic says "Hey buddy, it's looks like you blew a seal."
To which he replies: "NO! NO! I was just eatin' ice cream!!!"
Or something like that.
Please don't hit me with a hammer.
I heard the joke as an Eskimo not a penguin. Oh and the dessert was ice cream