Unless you get a real break on the realtor fees, you're probably better off renting that place out. I was in the same situation in the UK (where realtor fees were much lower) and basically had to rent the house out for a while to get the value high enough above how much I owed so I didn't have to bring money to the table.
We shall see. Since we only bought two years ago equity will be hard to build. The amortization tables show 3 or more years needed to build more equity in it.
Or I might be able to get out by bringing a 10-15k check to the closing. I'll have to borrow it from my sister, but I think I can make that money back in less than one year at the new job.
They have also committed to helping my wife get a 20 hour a week work from home job. That ain't bad.
^Hopefully it will work out!
Made the decision last night.
We try it for two years. If it works awesome. If it dosent I find a job near her mom in Chicago and make her happy.
Looks like I'm moving.
Tough decisions with the wife and kids, but she said the opportunity is too good and we'd always wonder/regret it if we didnt try.
Congratulations! I like the PNW, I suspect that I'm going to wind up in the east side of Washington in a few more years. (I have family in the Spokane/C d'A region).
Congrats! Hope it works out for you and the family.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
Congrats. Some of us really like it here, hopefully you will too.
Congratulations! Welcome to the west coast!
Committed and done. I'll let you guys know dates. Idea would be for me to go out sans car and family for a few months. Then they would come out at Xmas or so, so the little ones have some consistency with school.
Tanks guys. I'll keep you abreast of details.
Sans family means party time, right?
Congrats, good luck.
Pro tip: Owning, much less carrying, an umbrella will mark you as an outsider.
De cluttering and cleaning has started. We have tons to do but should be done soon.
Wife got her period at the same time as this decision was made. The waterworks are insane. Her and her friends all are like on the same schedule and like ohh god. Estrogen driven cry fests are the norm.
Never easy is it?
No it's not.
Congratulations on the move! My b-i-l lived out there for a year or so, said he really liked it.
9/1/13 9:47 a.m.
Welcome to size the grey side!
House on market weds night. Two showings on Thursday, one Saturday, open house Sunday and one showing on Tuesday.
I hope this works.
I love Seattle! Start listening to some grunge and Macklemore, +1 on the no umbrella thing, and enjoy the ferries. Cool place to live.
Totally want dicks drive in.
All time favorite quote from high school, from an English teacher, on the topic of UW:
"You'll really come to love Dicks at 2AM"
They should open soon, right?
Open house today. 14 families came through. Hopefully one actually really comes through.
Still averaging 2 showings a day. Still no offer. Am I stupid for thinking I should have one already? Not even the first week of on the market.