10/8/08 6:08 a.m.
I'd look for after hours work in a parts store. If you have intelligence coupled with a pulse you should be a shoe-in for a job. It's a great ego boost because you will be smarter than 99% of the dolts who walk through the door. You will obtain funny stories to share here on the board. You will get an employee discount. Chicks will dig you because you can install their wiper blades. 
I did that kind of work for around 15 years full time until I decided I needed to make actual money at my job. I did enjoy it though.
Freelance writing I wouldn't pursue unless you have a real love for the craft. It's very hard to sell stuff, and writing takes a lot more hours than you may think for a rather puny amount of income.
what about buying job lot quanity junk and selling stuff at flea markets on the weekend. Or the old Garage sale - ebay route. Find stuff at garage sales and sell on ebay as "vintage cool kitsch"
recycling alloy wheels...
They are worth about $30.00 each without weights and stems.
Ah yes, the joy of a second job. I've had a variety - the best was as a parking lot attendant at Charlotte airport a few years ago. Over the middle days of a holiday weekend it was literally getting paid to sleep at $10+/hour.
The auto parts stores suggestions are good - BTDT, and had the stories to prove it. Other suggestions -
The local Jiffy Monkey places are eternally looking for personnel. Anybody with a pulse is a candidate, a pulse with knowledge could be manglement.
Check with your local temporary employment agencies. Typically they have a variety of gigs available at all sorts of odd hours and you can work as you want/need.
CraigsList is your friend here. Just try to explain to your wife why you are searching in the "Adult Gigs" section for jobs as a "driver."
HiTempguy wrote:
Mabye somebody can help me with this; what does being an "engineer" mean to you or by definition in the states? I don't know of any engineer here with their 4 year degree that would be looking for part time work (ie: they are making good monies). I know the economy has taken a tumble but...
Since people are mentioning technical writing work, are you more akin to our technologist then (2 year diploma)?
I've got a BS in Mechanical Engineering...4 year degree ("BS" sure is ironic, huh?). Engineers can make a range of money. In my area, there are far more engineers than there are jobs for them. I have a job that pays reasonably well (not the highest paying job I've had by a fair measure). However, as I stated, my personal circumstances leave me needing some more income. It's not just about the income, it's also a matter of principle. No need to delve into all that now...I alluded to plenty in the original post.
You may think every engineer in your neck of the woods is making $100K, though I think that's likely a severe misconception on your part. Here...typically, engineers don't make half that.
ddavidv wrote:
I'd look for after hours work in a parts store. If you have intelligence coupled with a pulse you should be a shoe-in for a job. It's a great ego boost because you will be smarter than 99% of the dolts who walk through the door.
Freelance writing I wouldn't pursue unless you have a real love for the craft. It's very hard to sell stuff, and writing takes a lot more hours than you may think for a rather puny amount of income.
You're not helping me want to be a parts store counter guy by telling me I'll be smarter than everyone (toungue in cheek).
I do have a desire to write, though I don't think it is going to fit my current needs as well as some others. It is something I will look into when the time is right.
Salanis wrote:
John Brown wrote:
All race, creeds, sexual orientation, previous religious beliefs and tints are welcomed. Tints, I SAID TINTS, you sickos.
But you also mentioned topless mass...
Hmm... I think it might be time for a resurrection of the:
Paved Church of the Heavenly Cone!
Why are you trying to corrupt our religion!? We Orthodox Conians are breaking away from you Capitalist Conians!
That is fine, no tints for you ;)
I'm looking for the Church of the Dirt-Covered Cone for me and my Rally X friends. Anyone seen it?
All encompassing. Starting a local congregation is as easy as buying a T-Shirt ;)
10/8/08 10:11 a.m.
RE: Contract killing pays well
John Brown wrote:
Not as well as it used to, Outsourcing really killed the market locally. Why pay a local $10K when you can get gypsies to do it for the meat?
LOL! That made the milk come out my nose.
Walter Got Milk. 
Oooh. I can has T-Shirt?
Is there a website?
10/8/08 12:44 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I'm looking for the Church of the Dirt-Covered Cone for me and my Rally X friends. Anyone seen it?
I guess that would be an Unpaved Church. The cones are still heavenly.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Why are you trying to corrupt our religion!? We Orthodox Conians are breaking away from you Capitalist Conians!
I wasn't thinking about money to resurrect the church. I was thinking about topless mass! I think a topless mass could give me a reserrection!
Most second jobs are junk work at nominal pay. If it's a "real job" the pay is even worse as they take out SSN, taxes, etc. Just not worth it to my measure.
Now things like handyman neighborhood work, doing gutter cleaning, lawn mowing, porch painting, garden weeding, etc. Those can make you a good bit of money with a minimal of time, and you get to decide when and how much you're going to work. Since it's under the table generally, no taxes paid. What you make, you keep.
I like foxtrappers lawn mowing idea.. Too bad it's getting colder out, because you can make some serious dough per week just doing lawns.. $25 per lawn per week 3-4 lawns and that is nothing to sneeze at..
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Walter Got Milk.
Oooh. I can has T-Shirt?
Is there a website?
My favorite:

Don't know if you're in a college town, or if there are many concerts or other events there, but I just picked up a casual 2nd job doing security work. All events at UVA, including football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, etc, as well as concerts, broadway shows, etc are staffed by the company that I work for.
It's only $7.25 an hour, but it's fairly easy work, I work when I choose to, and get to attend some nice events (I should be stagefront security at the NIN concert coming soon). Might be worth seeing if there's anything like that in your neck of the woods, even if it's more a 3rd job than a 2nd.
10/8/08 3:31 p.m.
If you've ever done it and/or feel like you can pick it up pretty quick, waiting tables is a decent job. When we bought our current house 3 years ago, wife was unemployed and we had a new baby. I made 50-100 extra bucks every night moonlighting at an Outback, usually about a 5:00-10:30 shift. That's cash in pocket, the restaurant worked out the taxes I owed and I usually got a "paycheck" for $25 or so every two weeks for whatever the IRS didn't take, 10-20 an. hour isn;t too bad IMHO.
10/8/08 7:28 p.m.
Waiting tables and tending bar is good, but the job market is getting tight there: lots of restaurants are going under. It is not easy work, and can sometimes not be conducive to performing well at an 8-5, either. Good money can be had, though.
We rent our back lot out to a repo guy. Times are good for repo guys. And there's the added benefit of being the first to know about the really sweet deals on cars - before the auctions, even. Probably best to go freelance/lone wolf in that business, though, unless you like hanging out around other repo guys. They're an odd bunch, to say the least.
10/8/08 9:48 p.m.
Can you subcontract engineering services long distance?
We just did a job that required mechanical engineering. It was a simple structure, but we had to have a stamp.
He had good software for running the calculations and drawing, as well as insurance, but I'm convinced he put less than 4 hours into the job.
For which he charged $2750. He was the low bidder.
10/9/08 1:55 a.m.
Re shirt: I love the BL logo surrounding the cone 
ignorant wrote:
I like foxtrappers lawn mowing idea.. Too bad it's getting colder out, because you can make some serious dough per week just doing lawns.. $25 per lawn per week 3-4 lawns and that is nothing to sneeze at..
Washing windows, installing storm windows, raking yards, cleaning gutters, shoveling driveways and sidewalks, mulching gardens, edging sidewalks, etc. There's plenty of handyman work available right now, and during the winter.
If you want to be more mechanically inclined, wintering swimming pools, prepping snow blower, repairing snow blowers, swapping snow tires, etc.
What did you learn before you went to engineering school other then math? Do that.
I deliver pizza to fill the financial gaps and love it.
I was a full time restaurant manager for a LONG time and just got tired of the 65 hour weeks.
I do a little Ebay, a little local handyman stuff and I buy other peoples junk and fix it too.
I have a couple of fellow drivers that always come to me to fix their cars. $20 and a barbeque sandwich get new front brake pads (they pay for the parts).
You might examine how you spend your money too.
The single largest increase in available money involved me getting out of debt.