Ignore the price, it seems people love putting in a random string of numbers.
I messaged this guy, and got the following response back within a minues, almost like there is a bot on the other end:
I`m posting this truck for my aunt so if you want to buy or need more details please email her directly at jacksonmsbettys19249 AT gmail.com
The Link:to the ad
I did a google search on the email and a few results pop up with almost the same verbiage.
With Facebook marketplace getting more popular, I just wanted to spread the warning.
You mean his "aunt" that magically happens to share the email address "he" lists on his About page?
1/24/20 11:27 a.m.
The email address thing is a very common scam.
1/24/20 11:37 a.m.
The seller is also a FB page for a "Casino Table Games Dealer teaching others how to play the game"??
Sin City Johnny

It's a scam. The price alone proves it. I see it all the time. I see a ton of scam ads for Kubota tractors and equipment.
1/24/20 12:54 p.m.
Its a scam and not even a good one. Ive seen a ton of them, many on tractors like someone else said. Who the berk is going to trust a "johnny dice"?
Probably the same guy running the SS number scam that called me today!
edit: meant to say "type of guy" SS scam was from some other country no doubt