So, does anyone else want a Segway?
Maybe its just from watching "Arrested Development"

But I think that a Segway would dramatically increase the fun and awesomeness of everyday tasks and activities that include walking...might just be me though. Just think how much fun things would be if instead of walking you had a segway...
Except you're no longer walking, you sir, are rolling. Doesn't have the same ring.
"Honey, I'm going out for my morning roll."
I used to think mopeds made one look like a dork.
I'd like to ride a Segway for an afternoon, but after that, I think I'd be done. Don't get me wrong, I'd really like to ride one. Really really really. Just don't see any long term interest once the novelty wears off.
10/13/11 5:51 a.m.
procker wrote:
So, does anyone else want a Segway?
Maybe its just from watching "Arrested Development"
That's odd, AD makes me want a stair car...

10/13/11 6:19 a.m.
Y'know, speaking of segues...
(fast forward 1:17 for the reference)
They are a LOT of fun. At nationals I saw one, so I hopped on the cooler kart and chased the guy down. Traded him a cooler kart ride for a segway ride.
The most amazing thing was that it went from uncomfortable and unnatural, to intuitive, in about 15 seconds.
They look like fun but are pretty expensive for something that's mostly a toy unless you're a security guard. I wouldn't mind trying one out but I can't see myself paying the price of a decent used motorcycle for one.
I'm gonna try to find a segway tour for me and the wife.
My father has two of them. There was no real purpose behind the decision to buy them, he just wanted them. He lives in a pretty big gated community, so he uses them mainly to get around there. He's 80 and retired, so he can do whatever he wants. They're actually a lot of fun. Better than the golf carts that his neighbors have.
we have them at work here at Harrah's. The older security guards ride them all over the damn place.
Of course they bought them JUST after laying off a few hundred people
They could be pretty cool with a handlebar-mounted fully-automatic rifle. 
I'd rather have a minibike.
10/13/11 10:34 a.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
I'm gonna try to find a segway tour for me and the wife.
Lot o these running around DC. actually a good way to start a visit here and get a feel for the city.
10/13/11 12:41 p.m.
They have Segway Polo.

A family friend is on the U.S. Segway Polo team. The international championships were held around here several months back.
10/13/11 12:50 p.m.
I saw a segway tour near Fishermans Wharf in San Fran.
I laughed and then did my Ogre impression "NERDS!!!".
I'd like to try one some day. 
Salanis wrote:
They have Segway Polo.
A family friend is on the U.S. Segway Polo team. The international championships were held around here several months back.
That is so stupid it is awesome.
A number of people have built their own for much cheaper. Check out and
Salanis wrote:
They have Segway Polo.
A family friend is on the U.S. Segway Polo team. The international championships were held around here several months back.
that's neat and all, but has anyone combined the Segway with that stupid Harry Potter game?
I might be interested if there's a lawn mowing or edger attachment
My wife and I did the Segway tour in DC. it was really cool. I couldn't see much use for one every day, though, unless you walk along way to work every day.
Would be good for getting around the race paddock, but not as useful as a (cheaper) golf cart.
There was a judge at LeMons that NEVER got off his. Used to bug the crap out of me because he was always in the way. He could have used some of the exercise walking would have got him. 
Who was the mega rich guy that fell off of one to his death recently?
Basil Exposition wrote:
Who was the mega rich guy that fell off of one to his death recently?
The company owner Jimi Heselden
Actually he accidentally rode the off road version off an 80ft cliff. Bummer since it sounds like he did a lot of philanthropy.
My wife and I did a backlot tour at Epcot. It is before the park officially opens. Nice training course.
When they top 40mph I will be interested.