My friend Anna Hill at Le Mans, 2012.

My friend Anna Hill (per her request in the will, IIRC) at Le Mans 2013.

Yeah, that's what she wanted. I wonder if she knew how bad her health was, and just didn't tell the rest of us, since she was still walking around. Thanks to the marshals at Poste 106 for doing this, and thanks to the family for respecting her wishes & making it possible.
Sorry for your loss. I can think of many worse places to be my final resting place.
Different track but same wish for me.
I am sorry for your loss. My best friend died three years ago -- unexpectedly but quickly. Time makes it less painful, but less painful like a dull ache rather than a gaping wound.
Kudos to the officials for following through.
Condolences on your loss. FWIW, my wish (and it's in my will) is for a similar final resting place.
that is entirely too sad. She looks way too young to be dead. At least she will always have a good seat at the races
Life ain't fair.
It's nice that her wishes were seen through, your post was not selfish at all.
Always sad to hear about someone so young passing away. Happy to see her wish was granted!
RIP. I knew Anna through a friend she dated in college. When we met we talked cars most of the night.
6/28/13 9:46 p.m.
Ohhh, how very sad. Wonderful that her co-marshalls were able to fulfill her wishes though.
I was there last weekend, what a glorious place to be laid to rest.
Thanks, everyone. Yeah she was young (early 30s). Most of us kind of knew that she'd had about a dozen different kinds of 'Soma' shoved down her throat since she was in middle school (she'd actually talk about it from time to time)..but we didn't know about her kidney and liver problems from having taken so much of that E36 M3.
The rest of her ashes are around Atlanta Motorsports Park (where she was working as Chief Flag Marshal for track action during the week), and another location that the family has kept secret.
Pretty sure this belongs in the GRM section, not off-topic.
One step beyond lifelong dedication to the sport, my condolences.