Hello. My name is Linden and I am currently in my senior year at Grand Valley State University. I have been assigned along with 6 other advertising and public relations students, to a client in class who does restomod and custom paint work in West Michigan. Right now we are in the research phase of planning and are searching for participants to take part in our survey. Primary research is extremely important to understanding how we can further help our client get his business running. Our group has put together a survey online that we hope will collect relevant data. The survey is entirely for project use, none of the information is disclosed and no name required. We would really appreciate you taking our survey or sending it on to fellow car enthusiasts. I understand that is a lot to ask, but it would be extremely helpful to our group and greatly appreciated. Please also let us know if you have heard of a company called Rides Unlimited located in West Michigan?
Here is the link to our survey: www.surveymonkey.com/s/WJLNWPB
Thank you again for your time.
Best regards,
GVSU Students
Crap...you're just up the road from me.
2/9/11 12:34 p.m.
A group of Advertising and PR guys and a "survey"? Is this downstream for a canoe?
No, they're legit students. I vetted them from their post over on the Classic board.
Grand Valley is a tried and true university just west of Grand Rapids. There is a great driving/riding road that runs near the campus
(Leonard st if they check back asking questions)
2/9/11 1:10 p.m.
I took the survey. It didn't ask me for any personal info, and took about 4 seconds, so WTH why not.
I can assure you that we are legitimate students! Thank you to those who have taken the survey. Your input is greatly appreciate and will help out our project a lot. We are trying to understand the industry better and a survey of people who are a part of the industry is a great way for us to achieve this.
Thanks again
If I was exactly 50 years old should I count myself as 40-50 yrs old or the next choice of 50+?
Is rehabing a 1987 car the same as resoring a classic car?
In reply to jrw1621:
Whatever you marked is fine! and yes rehabing a 1987 car counts!
Ah, crap. I figured classic was 25 years or older, so my answers are not entirely correct.
New Reader
2/10/11 3:24 p.m.
MM went to Calvin College (SE Grand Rapids), and swam against your swimteam 3 times a year. Good Luck Guys!
Went to Western Michigan. I like GVSU students, they came down to Kalamazoo and enjoyed our REAL parites!