5/31/12 8:38 p.m.
Just the other day, I posted (in jest) that NY would ban the use of depleted uranium rounds like they have banned trans fats and smoking and who knows what else. Turns out I wasn't too far off. Bloomberg has already banned lawful protesting so why not keep going and see how much people will take before they revolt.
Grizz wrote:
No, we haven't been drinking ourselves fat. Those 1,000 calorie burgers aren't the culprit either.
The majority of people in this country spend 8 hours a day sitting on their ass in front of a computer doing nothing, and then go home and spend the rest of their night sitting on their ass in front of a television. And then complain that the reason they're fat is because burger king forced them to get a double whopper with onion rings and a large soda.
The American people have ruined my meal times while on the road and I'm tired of it. I MISS MY DAMN BUCK DOUBLE YOU BASTARDS!
There is a lot of truth to this. As someone who has been fat most of my life, lack of movement has been the bigest problem. I was always heavy, but had physical jobs, biked/walked alot so it was never an issue. When I started at the bus company the only thing that changed was that I spent10-12 hours a day sitting down holding a steering wheel. In a few years I had gone from 230lbs to almost 400. I also haven't had a regular soda since I was about 10 so I know that wasn't the cause, and my sugar cholestorol ect are all good, It's not the food I was eating as much as the amount compared to the amount of activity.
T.J. wrote:
Bloomberg has already banned lawful protesting so why not keep going and see how much people will take before they revolt.
Noone has done anything about lawful protests, they are a daily occurance here. There are days where all I do is try and get people past the unhappy group of the day. The problems happen when they start to overrun private property or cause a hazard. I'm going to guess you are speaking of the OWS folks. What doesn't seem to get reported is when they decide to chain themselves together in the street they don't often have sense enough to move for fire trucks ambulances ect.
5/31/12 9:01 p.m.
Yes, the OWS folks that were cleared out of that park after a judge ruled they had the right to assemble and protest. The loyal media lapdogs for some reason didn't want to cover that one much as far as I remember, not that I paid too much attention to the OWS movement since it had no real leader, no real agenda, no real demands, just seemed to be a bunch of people who wanted more free E36 M3 for the most part.
Like I said, I don't pretend to be an expert on what happened or why. I certainly don't want to be trolling. 
Let us all be aware that there is no resemblance of NEW YORK CITY to the rest of New York State. 
I spent most of 2010 working out every day. After about 6 months, I stopped drinking diet soda altogether, and lost an additional 10lbs. I mostly drink water and unsweet tea now. I do occasionally have a beer or juice.
scratching NYC off my 'go to' places
... and NJ, Fla., Baltimore... and Canada
T.J. wrote:
Yes, the OWS folks that were cleared out of that park after a judge ruled they had the right to assemble and protest. The loyal media lapdogs for some reason didn't want to cover that one much as far as I remember, not that I paid too much attention to the OWS movement since it had no real leader, no real agenda, no real demands, just seemed to be a bunch of people who wanted more free E36 M3 for the most part.
Like I said, I don't pretend to be an expert on what happened or why. I certainly don't want to be trolling.
There is one serious flaw to your argument: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60T_sg9D5JQ
Just don't wash it down with a Big Gulp, right Mayor Bloomberg?
mguar wrote:
In reply to 93EXCivic:
Free Refills and giant cups are the way fast food companies lure people in.. Make people feel like they are getting a Bargain..
Fast Food companies are the biggest corporate welfare grabbers of all..
By paying low wages and less than 40 hours they don't have to pay for insurance so those who work at fast food places are being subsidized by the tax payers who pay when they get sick and since they are making less than a living wage they aren't paying much if anything in income taxes..
Thats because these low wage entry level jobs are meant for kids to learn about work ethic and as such would still be under their parents plans.
Also in order for it to be corporate welfare don't they need to be getting breaks in the tax code specific to the industry?
mguar wrote:
In reply to 93EXCivic:
Do you really like to pay high taxes? Think BIG picture..
Health care is paid for by tax payers.. The poor who go to emergency rooms, public employees, under insured and those who for various reasons have no insurance. That whole bill get's picked up by the tax payers..
Fat people cost more insurance money than those in shape..( on average)
Giant sized beverages contribute to the obesity of people.
I have no insurance. Please show me where some one else paid for my bills or the government paid for it. In fact most people pay their bills. Hospitals set up payment plans. They even have entire accounting division tasked to do just that.
Giant size sodas do not contribute to obesity. Its the people who drink them that do. You can always not drink the whole thing.
mguar wrote:
In reply to 93EXCivic:
Do you really like to pay high taxes? Think BIG picture..
Health care is paid for by tax payers.. The poor who go to emergency rooms, public employees, under insured and those who for various reasons have no insurance. That whole bill get's picked up by the tax payers..
Fat people cost more insurance money than those in shape..( on average)
Giant sized beverages contribute to the obesity of people.
No offense but it is called self control.
In reply to 93EXCivic:
I knew there was a reason I liked you. 
93EXCivic wrote:
mguar wrote:
In reply to 93EXCivic:
Do you really like to pay high taxes? Think BIG picture..
Health care is paid for by tax payers.. The poor who go to emergency rooms, public employees, under insured and those who for various reasons have no insurance. That whole bill get's picked up by the tax payers..
Fat people cost more insurance money than those in shape..( on average)
Giant sized beverages contribute to the obesity of people.
No offense but it is called self control.
No offense but who goes to a junk food store caring about their health. If they had self control they'd eat a salad.
Buy one 16oz get one free.
Problem solved.
They need to make a law that says I can't go suck on an exhaust pipe in a parkinglot, but I can do it in my driveway. That would probably stop me from thinking about doing it.
And yet it is not legal for insurance companies to charge higher premiums to people who are obese.
Not sure what I think about it all. No wait. Yes I do. It's just all stupid. All of it.
Salanis wrote:
And yet it is not legal for insurance companies to charge higher premiums to people who are obese.
Not sure what I think about it all. No wait. Yes I do. It's just all stupid. All of it.
I agree, but then, I'll bet (even though being a healthy young guy) you drink more than a "healthy" amount of alcohol per week, month.
Should you be charged for that too?
z31maniac wrote:
Salanis wrote:
And yet it is not legal for insurance companies to charge higher premiums to people who are obese.
Not sure what I think about it all. No wait. Yes I do. It's just all stupid. All of it.
I agree, but then, I'll bet (even though being a healthy young guy) you drink more than a "healthy" amount of alcohol per week, month.
Should you be charged for that too?
Which is why I said "It's all stupid. All of it." Doesn't matter much, and I suspect the actually variation in costs associated with bad behaviors is pretty minor. (e.g. I've heard that statistically smokers cost less for medical care, because they tend to die younger from quicker causes rather than developing chronic, age-related illnesses.)
And in my own defense. I'm pretty sure I do not drink an unhealthy amount. I do not binge drink and probably average about 2-3 drinks/day that is considered pretty healthy for a man. I might be above the ideal, but not into the danger zone. Sort of like the difference between carrying an extra 20 pounds, and carrying an extra 100.
A goddamn hero of the people will drink whatever size cola they damn well please.