6/2/12 2:06 p.m.
In reply to mguar:
However doing nothing is not going to solve the problem.. So try something, anything, give it a while and see if it solves the problem..
Fair enough. But, when "something" fails the odds are slim to none that "it" will be removed from the code.
Back to a valid point you made. Idiots and non-producers.. First that's extremely pejorative. If you disagree with someones conclusion try to explain your position rather than refer to them in such a derogatory manner.
In this context I choose to define "idiots" as those pre-disposed to deferring to government for solutions that are firmly within the auspices of individuals.
Einstein as brilliant as he was, was rather uninvolved with practical matters.. Would you call him an Idiot? What if you fail to understand his brilliance?
I'd hardly call Einstein an idiot. And, by your seeming implications, if anyone were tryuly capable of understanding his brilliance, such a person would be brilliant in their own right.
There was a senator from Wisconsin who used to make fun of money wasted.. Except the so-called money wasted usually had very important reasons.. It's just that without a deep understanding of the various complexities involved it was easy to laugh at
Smart Kids are called Geeks, laughed at and belittled.. (right up to the point where they take their ideas public and become worth millions or billions)
My point is until you completely understand all the issues involved you're like those bullies in school who make fun of the Geeks.
Isn't it more than a bit perjorative to label as bullies those who do not completely understand all the issues?
And wouldn't that include literally all of mankind?
and with that, I'm outta here and going to watch those idiots who race in the World Challenge.
I heard if you stop feeding a troll soda, it turns into a winged unicorn and flys away.
6/2/12 2:15 p.m.
In reply to poopshovel:
There's a FCY at Belle Isle so while waiting for the clean-up I'll add this:
That winged unicorn (in this case) rarely flies away; when it does, it flies over the crowd and takes a dump.
mguar wrote:
In reply to Grizz:
Valid points however perspective needs changing..
You go to the Gym and see those who look fantastic.. They do the right exercise, with the right equipment, the right way, for long enough to keep them looking sharp..
That's the key word, Looking.. With those mirrors all over isn't it very possible they are there for narcissistic reasons rather than health?
I've neighbors like that.. They are in the Gym while they have their lawn mowed and yard manicured.. The furniture is delivered and put up while the old furniture is hauled away. The toughest part of all of that is the effort it takes to write the check or hand them the credit card..
Hard physical work saved me. Not pretend work or mindless repetitions of the same motion.. . I built my house, 30,000 hours of hard physical work. (yes I know most homes take less than 3000 to complete) In spite of the heart damage my blood pressure is near perfect so is the cholesterol, blood sugar, etc..
I just came from my hard 15 minutes and I'm cooling off about to go outside to do another 15 minutes..
Man the lifeboats; it's getting deep in here!
I certainly feel like i've been dumped on now that i've read this thread. Why do you guys keep replying to this guy?
6/2/12 2:47 p.m.
In reply to 92CelicaHalfTrac:
There's another FCY at Belle Isle...............
But, I'm in for a lock on this thread.
How the hell do people drink that much soda, anyway? I mostly stopped drinking the stuff years ago. Now, it just makes me feel gross to drink too much of it. Bought a half-liter bottle of coke this afternoon (because of the metric system) to get a kick of caffeine to get through a long exam. I only drank half of it. I can't imagine drinking 64ounces of the stuff.
A guy I've been working with lately drinks eight, two liter bottles of diet coke every day. Eight. Yes, sixteen liters of pop every day.
We call him two liter.
Salanis wrote:
How the hell do people drink that much soda, anyway? I mostly stopped drinking the stuff years ago. Now, it just makes me feel gross to drink too much of it. Bought a half-liter bottle of coke this afternoon (because of the metric system) to get a kick of caffeine to get through a long exam. I only drank half of it. I can't imagine drinking 64ounces of the stuff.
I am with you there.. if I have a single can a day with dinner... that is enough
Zomby Woof wrote:
A guy I've been working with lately drinks eight, two liter bottles of diet coke every day. Eight. Yes, sixteen liters of pop every day.
We call him two liter.
It's ok, he's drinking diet.
Zomby Woof wrote:
A guy I've been working with lately drinks eight, two liter bottles of diet coke every day. Eight. Yes, sixteen liters of pop every day.
We call him two liter.
HAHA you said pop. Northerns. 
Zomby Woof wrote:
A guy I've been working with lately drinks eight, two liter bottles of diet coke every day. Eight. Yes, sixteen liters of pop every day.
We call him two liter.
how soon till he has no stomach left? I have seen what coke can do to paint
Zomby Woof wrote:
A guy I've been working with lately drinks eight, two liter bottles of diet coke every day. Eight. Yes, sixteen liters of pop every day.
We call him two liter.
How is that even possible? The guy must use the bathroom every 10-15 minutes.
How much caffeine is that?
Wasn't there a story recently of a woman in Arizona or something that literally drank herself to death with Coke?
Salanis wrote:
How the hell do people drink that much soda, anyway? I mostly stopped drinking the stuff years ago. Now, it just makes me feel gross to drink too much of it. Bought a half-liter bottle of coke this afternoon (because of the metric system) to get a kick of caffeine to get through a long exam. I only drank half of it. I can't imagine drinking 64ounces of the stuff.
I stop a while ago too. Then Pepsi started selling the pure sugar no HFCS and now I drink 3 12oz a week. I feel much better after one than I ever did after the old stuff.
ThePhranc wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
I certainly feel like i've been dumped on now that i've read this thread. Why do you guys keep replying to this guy?
Humans are week.
Well, maybe not a full week. Just through Wednesday. 
I've been tempted, but I promised Margie I'd behave.
I'm charging all of you under Section 18 of the Long-winded Argument Act.
Toyman01 wrote:
ThePhranc wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
I certainly feel like i've been dumped on now that i've read this thread. Why do you guys keep replying to this guy?
Humans are week.
Well, maybe not a full week. Just through Wednesday.
I've been tempted, but I promised Margie I'd behave.
Damn you English grammar!
I started and realized what I was doing so stopped.
z31maniac wrote:
How is that even possible? The guy must use the bathroom every 10-15 minutes.
I don't know. I did the math. That's a ridiculous amount of cans in a day, but that's what they tell me, and every time I see him, he's taking a swig off a bottle. The trunk of his car is ful of bottles.
In reply to racerfink:
The similarities are profound.
In reply to Anti-stance:
Off topic.
What is that. We get them in the yard at the new house, but I've never seen them before.
Shrimp are flying. Very relative to this topic.