Since this group is always up for a good deal I thought I'd share my latest wireless find. My wife and I had both been on Google fi for a while. For those that don't know, its usage based and runs on a combination of Sprint, T-Mobile and US Celluar. $20 for unlimited talk and text plus $10/GB of use and you get refunded for what you don't use (or charged for what you do, depending on how you look at it). Its got some other cool features that I won't get into.
I'm totally happy with fi for myself and my bill is about $26/mo on average. My wife on the other hand uses more data and none of the fancy features of fi, so I started looking...
What I found was a company called Teltik. They are an authorized seller of T-Mobile business service. With fi, we are always on T-mobile anyhow, so why not if it works? Anyhow, $23/mo for unlimited talk and text with 2GB of 4G data and throttled to slow after that. The bonus of Teltik though is that they give you the T-Mobile perks. At this price/data plan they are simply visual voicemail, T-mobile Tuesdays and wifi calling. Higher priced plans have the new DIGITS program as well.
Just sharing a good deal!
For those that don't care about features, I found Tmobile service though mintsim for $13/mo with 2GB. Its pre-paid though and an MVNO, so its a little different.