4/10/18 3:53 p.m.
Just got back from an excellent trip to San Diego where my wife snapped some pics of me surfing Trestles. Let's just say that when damp, the thinning hair on my dome piece is making me look way older than I should. Figured shaving it worked for Kelly Slater, why can't it work for me? That way I can look younger AND win some world titles. Win-win in my book.
I spend a lot of time in the sun so I expect sun burns to be an issue. How often do you need to shave it? Anything else I need to know before I lop it off?
My Dermatolgist told me that hair doesn’t stop your head from burning. Shaving will allow you to use sunscreen or hats whereas hair the crowd only have hats.
That’s al I got!
When I still cared, I was shaving my head razor smooth twice a week. Since I've stopped caring so much, electric razor once a week keeps it looking like a 5 o'clock shadow.
Sunscreen and hats. When you do get sun burned, razor shaving sucks, and it looks like you have terrible dandruff when it peels.
I guide with my left hand and shave with the right, this helps me miss less hair. Shaving cream will disguise hair until you get used to the feeling, so you might want to double check after you clean off to make sure you don't have a stripe on the back of your head.
I can't answer the sunscreen question but my eldest's father in law shaves his head every couple of days with a little rolling razor.

4/10/18 4:20 p.m.
Toyman01 said:
I can't answer the sunscreen question but my eldest's father in law shaves his head every couple of days with a little rolling razor.

Look at those wheels and tires! It just needs a mini GRM sticker. How can you go wrong?
Back on topic, my father shaved his head. He uses his regular razor, a Fusion power. When he cares, every other day. Once a week when he feels lazy.
Chuck used to use the Hot Wheels type shaver, but his head is too knobly for it to be effective by itself. Now I just go after him with the clippers and the shortest guard (no 2? I forget) once a week.
Get a razor that flexes in the center or you will cut your head to bits.
I Shave every 6 days. 1 day too long and the razor will clog, then shaving takes 3 times as long.
Beanie-style hats do not work on day zero. Someone needs to come up with a solution to this.
Yep, if you want it to look good. Once a day in the shower and its pretty simple to shave with some practice.
I just use a regular disposable razor.
If you don't care, once every few days is sufficient.
I will say that 5 o'clock shadow really shows off your balding pattern, so if that is a concern, then you'll likely want to do it more often.
Stand with your back to the mirror and use a handheld mirror to look at your reflection, makes it very easy to shave the back of your head. I shave with a razor at least once a week and electric every two or three days. I can't even fake a 5 o'clock shadow these days.
Googles chrome dome polish...
I don't keep it clean shaved any more but when I did I just used a regular razor in the shower. If I went more than two days without shaving I had to use clippers with no guard for the razor to work. Nowadays I just use the clippers with no guard once every couple weeks or when my wife starts making too much fun of my lack of hair in certain spots on my head. It's very rare that I'll leave the house without some type of hat.
I think a lot of how often you'll shave depends on your hair color. I just recently shaved mine again and I'm fine at 2 weeks with my lighter color hair. But I also like a little fuzzy on top. When I take it down I just use electric clippers with no guard.
Don't let the boss catch you sticking your head in the Ball-o-Shine-o.

I had .020 shaved off the head on my Mazda a few years ago. So far there has been zero maintenance.
If you are going to use a modern multi-blade razor you get a lot less clogging with an old school shave bar and brush than with shaving cream or gel.
I just use bar soap and multi blade razor in the shower, every couple of days.
Nick Comstock said:
I don't keep it clean shaved any more but when I did I just used a regular razor in the shower. If I went more than two days without shaving I had to use clippers with no guard for the razor to work. Nowadays I just use the clippers with no guard once every couple weeks or when my wife starts making too much fun of my lack of hair in certain spots on my head. It's very rare that I'll leave the house without some type of hat.
I go after it when Bozo the clown references are made. 
Trimmer. No guard. Once a week.
Fueled by Caffeine said:
Trimmer. No guard. Once a week.
Same here. I've got dark hair and it grows fast (well, where it still grows.) I refuse to razor it, I just use a $20 pair of clippers and give it the buzz. Invest in hats of every variety. You may still be able to sunburn your scalp with hair, but I guarantee it happens more often with a shaved head. Also, cold weather will require hats too.
As much as I'd like to have a full head of hair, I really like having a shaved head. No maintenance, cooler in the summer, low cost.
ultraclyde said:
Fueled by Caffeine said:
Trimmer. No guard. Once a week.
Same here. I've got dark hair and it grows fast (well, where it still grows.) I refuse to razor it, I just use a $20 pair of clippers and give it the buzz. Invest in hats of every variety. You may still be able to sunburn your scalp with hair, but I guarantee it happens more often with a shaved head. Also, cold weather will require hats too.
As much as I'd like to have a full head of hair, I really like having a shaved head. No maintenance, cooler in the summer, low cost.
Same. I have my wife do it for me. We seem to like using the beard and mustache clippers better than the ones made for the dome. I think the narrower width maybe helps the shape better? Idk, we just like it better.
4/11/18 7:04 a.m.
Once every day or two in the shower with my normal Harry's razor and Cremo. It kills the razor way faster than when I just used it on my face. I can't get away with the same blade for a few months anymore.
<- Uses a gillette 3 blade in the shower with cheap ass cream every couple days.
New Reader
4/11/18 7:12 a.m.
Fueled by Caffeine said:
Trimmer. No guard. Once a week.
Been doing this for about 20 years now. Buzzers used to last me a year or 2. Last time i spent another 10-15$ on Wahl buzzers, ive been using them for probably 14 years, still work great! Shaved my head with a razor a few times but dont bother anymore. Within a few days its as long as it would be with the buzzers.
im usually wearing a bucket hat or old sombrero while outside, otherwise just some sunscreen.
also as far as razors and clogging, try a real safety razor. Old school, 1 blade, no guards and works far far better for me than a mach 3. And blades are 10 cents.
+1 for in the shower, shave with one hand and feel for stubble with the other.
Wash first, no soap or cream, use a multiblade razor.
Lotion with sunscreen in it and a hat in the sun or cold.
Sunburn sucks - hurts to shave, peeling looks bad.