Weird; Good to know I’m not the only one who got lazy and stopped using the razor.
If you’re going to use one, I suggest something better than the disposable variety. My wife used to collect coupons for the Mach whatevers, and occasionally get a coupon for a free one.
Definitely be vigilant with the sunscreen, though it only takes once to learn the hard way.
In reply to TJL :
I got a safety razor and started using it last week. It actually shaved too close as I like to have a little stubble but love how cheap the blades are.
I used a safety razor for a couple years on my face because it shaves super close, which I like because I can shave every other day. I ran out of the high-end blades for it and used an old Gillette Mach. It turns out all the technique I had to learn with the straight razor to keep from bleeding out means I now get just as close a shave with the Mach in half the time and with 100% less cuts, nicks, and razor burn. I was also able to forego a couple products in the process, which saves some cost. My calculations show a break-even on cost.
Once a week, in the shower, Mach III, old school shave soap and badger brush, let the stubble be your guide.
I just buzz down with the clippers and no guard. If you shave then hats stick and are uncomfortable and I am always in a hat.
With a close cut you use sunscreen just fine.
Also grow a beard or a goatee you will look better with the shaved head.
4/11/18 10:13 a.m.
What about laser hair removal?
I'm not joking when I say I have considered lasering all the hair off my body because I strongly dislike shaving, haircuts and styling, etc.
If you do it when young I'm 100% convinced you will save money in your life, not to mention time. Maybe shave once or twice first to make sure you like the 'look'.
I use a Mach 3 and whatever shaving cream I have (usually Barbasol w/Aloe). Once a week is fine for me, it gets a little too long after 8 days or so. Have been doing it this way for almost 20 years. Also, I wear a hat whenever I'm outside, and I have sunscreen everywhere I might need it (car, office, bike pannier, etc). Never had sunburn on my head, but I did get it bad on my neck once when I wasn't thorough enough applying the sunscreen.
Had a kid in that worked for me in the army decide he didn't like shaving everyday so he thought Nair should increase shaving intervals. Yeah, don't do that. Kid had chemical burns on his face for a couple months and a shaving restriction until the chemical burns healed. He said it was painful and wasn't worth it to be able to get out of shaving. Skin on your head is more sensitive than other parts like legs.
I joke that when I was younger I always wanted to part my hair in the middle but the big cowlick on the right side prevented that. Now I can part in the middle, just a 6" wide part.
I know keep it short, #2 guard on clippers and still go to the barber to get it done. Have a tendency to wait too long between but not trying to impress anyone so not concerned. Have thought about shaving it all but know to many that do. Boss, co-worker, numerous others in the building and my son. So I just keep it short just to be different. One of the guys in the building shaves his head and has a long ZZ Top beard and would have a full head of hair if he stopped shaving. Don't understand that, I'd be rocking a full head of hair. If I had it.
4/11/18 1:51 p.m.
wlkelley3 said:
Had a kid in that worked for me in the army decide he didn't like shaving everyday so he thought Nair should increase shaving intervals. Yeah, don't do that. Kid had chemical burns on his face for a couple months and a shaving restriction until the chemical burns healed. He said it was painful and wasn't worth it to be able to get out of shaving. Skin on your head is more sensitive than other parts like legs.
I joke that when I was younger I always wanted to part my hair in the middle but the big cowlick on the right side prevented that. Now I can part in the middle, just a 6" wide part.
I know keep it short, #2 guard on clippers and still go to the barber to get it done. Have a tendency to wait too long between but not trying to impress anyone so not concerned. Have thought about shaving it all but know to many that do. Boss, co-worker, numerous others in the building and my son. So I just keep it short just to be different. One of the guys in the building shaves his head and has a long ZZ Top beard and would have a full head of hair if he stopped shaving. Don't understand that, I'd be rocking a full head of hair. If I had it.
Sounds like the razor takes a lot of work. I'll start the conversion next haircut and make it shorter and shorter until it looks better/doesn't require too much work.
Stupid question - With the clipper and no guard. Do you still cut the same way as if the guard was there or do you flip it around like if you were trimming side burns?
wearymicrobe said:
I just buzz down with the clippers and no guard. If you shave then hats stick and are uncomfortable and I am always in a hat.
With a close cut you use sunscreen just fine.
Also grow a beard or a goatee you will look better with the shaved head.
This. All of it. Assuming you can grow the goatee.
and remember, if you wear a "ball cap" that you need to sun screen the tops of your ears... my Dad picked some melanoma by not doing that.
Something I've always wondered seems like most guys with receding hairlines also have pretty vigorous beards. On the other hand I still have a full head of hair but a terrible beard. Must be a genetic thing.
In reply to stuart in mn :
I used to have both. Hair so thick it would clog plugin trimmers, what hair I have left actually does stall my wahl trimmer if I let it go to long. Around 20 the hair on my head started getting thin, by 21 I looked like an old high school teacher, bald on top and the ring around the sides.
I'm going with stress that made my hair go away because all the men on both sides of my family had hair at least until their 40s, and it had been a rather stress filled 20 years at that point. I've been told iit' because I always wore a hat, but so do lots of people who haven't gone bald.
I'm very, very thin on top, and my hair is also very fine. I asked my barber to lose the tufts on top last time, and she talked me out of it, unless I was happy shaving it every couple of days. I can't be bothered with that...
Plus, if I squint and lie to myself a lot, I can get away with believing I'm not bald.
Enyar said:
wlkelley3 said:
Had a kid in that worked for me in the army decide he didn't like shaving everyday so he thought Nair should increase shaving intervals. Yeah, don't do that. Kid had chemical burns on his face for a couple months and a shaving restriction until the chemical burns healed. He said it was painful and wasn't worth it to be able to get out of shaving. Skin on your head is more sensitive than other parts like legs.
I joke that when I was younger I always wanted to part my hair in the middle but the big cowlick on the right side prevented that. Now I can part in the middle, just a 6" wide part.
I know keep it short, #2 guard on clippers and still go to the barber to get it done. Have a tendency to wait too long between but not trying to impress anyone so not concerned. Have thought about shaving it all but know to many that do. Boss, co-worker, numerous others in the building and my son. So I just keep it short just to be different. One of the guys in the building shaves his head and has a long ZZ Top beard and would have a full head of hair if he stopped shaving. Don't understand that, I'd be rocking a full head of hair. If I had it.
Sounds like the razor takes a lot of work. I'll start the conversion next haircut and make it shorter and shorter until it looks better/doesn't require too much work.
Stupid question - With the clipper and no guard. Do you still cut the same way as if the guard was there or do you flip it around like if you were trimming side burns?
I go against the grain. Towards the Back from the front and up for the back.
4/11/18 10:15 p.m.
Shaved is too much work.
Trimmer with #1 (1/8") and do it every 3-4 weeks. I can still sunscreen my head.
My problem with the trimmer is that the hair gets all over the place. With the razor and cream it just goes down the sink.
In reply to slowride :
I trim in the shower before I turn on the water.
I came in here expecting talk about skinhead plumbers.
I have male baldness and just deal with it. I think it make a lot of men look older when they shave and most of us just don't have the head shape to make it work. I'd just electric razor it every few days if that's the target
In reply to slowride :
I have a mirror in my shower and do it there.
Enyar said:
Stupid question - With the clipper and no guard. Do you still cut the same way as if the guard was there or do you flip it around like if you were trimming side burns?
Same way as with the guard. You'll get a more even trim and it's easier on the skin because the flat of the trimmer is against your scalp and not the points. I go against the grain but often finish up with swirls like I'm polishing the car, mostly in the back where I can't see. Keeps me from missing spots. the hardest places are the divots where spinal column meats the base of your skull. Also, I usually have my wife give me a 'spacemonkey check' afterward to make sure I got it all even. (Fight Club reference)
So for future reference, when wearing a hat or bandana, how do you keep your head from getting tan lines? Seems like you'd be 2 toned in a day....
In reply to Gearheadotaku :
I probably am but I don't pay attention to it.
4/14/18 8:44 p.m.
Gearheadotaku said:
So for future reference, when wearing a hat or bandana, how do you keep your head from getting tan lines? Seems like you'd be 2 toned in a day....
Not giving a E36 M3 pretty much takes care of it.