The lines of this body just look off. Inside is 3.2 SHO drivetrain, the dash is definitely SHO. So is this an SHO tarted up or a Ford Tudor with Taurus drive?
The trunk line looks "different". I've seen kits where you glue bodies similar to this to a late model T-Bird.

1/7/22 2:14 p.m.
That's comprehensively terrible.
That seems like a lot of effort for a pretty terrible result

I think the body lines look nice up to the back of the front door and then it gets a little different.
It looks like a stick on fiberglass body to me. I say that based on the door opening. It looks like one car door opening at the interior and then another piece attached. Also the door striker looks like a 80-90's type deal to me. I can't tell if that is just a paint chip or if that is a fiberglass piece around the door striker.
The rear is so off that it doesn't seem like it's shoebox based... Seems like the worst of both? Maybe hack the Taurus off at the rocker panels and glue this on top?
I'm guessing it's a SHO that has been restyled to look like an earlier Ford. If they'd stretched the roofline a bit, it would have both looked better and had a more usable back seat.
It's definitely a SHO with a body slapped on it. That's why it looks so awkward, they kept the original wheelbase. Even the back seat is stock SHO (recovered, but it's definitely the seat).
That is more finished and to a higher level of finish than any project I've ever made.
I would have to see more of it to formulate an opinion on it, but I'm sure the owner enjoys it no matter what we think. The doors seem way to long to just be 4 door Taurus doors so the B pillar is moved I think.
From those two pictures I think it looks fine but I'm not a 50s Ford guy so I don't see all the different lines from the original and again it appears to be really high quality. Then again I tried TR3 doors on a Miata.
This is a real one. First one has a junky trunk.