I currently have quite a few of the old school 8ft ballasted lights in my shop. A few of the ballasts took a dump so I figured it was a good opportunity to bypass the ballasts and put the "drop in" led tubes in. The tubes ended up being some plasticy junk that don't make very good connections. While I was googling for better quality tubes, I stumbled on the led strips that I could run all over the I beams. I have seen a few people on here do it, but none of the threads I found were very recent and I know the tech in these is improving. Has anyone used these in their shop? I want it BRIGHT. For reference, my ceiling is about 10 feet high. Thanks!
I have some Barrina T9 style 4' lights that I really like. I got them on Prime day for ~1/2 off, and they're very bright. Everywhere they are, the shop is very bright (they're currently only really down the middle of the garage).
I know these aren't the strips, but it does look like it's just the strip in a light housing.

I will second the Barrina lights that have been recommended here. I bought some for part of my garage and now the rest of it is a sad dark cave. I buddy came over, saw them, and bought them for his garage. His neighbors think it's a grow room now it's so bright. They're the bees knees.
I took all my flourescents down a few years ago and replaced them with a bunch of those 4' LED fixtures from Costco. Super bright all the time, no dim lights when it's cold, no replacing bulbs, no flickering, and less power use. Literally the best thing I've done to my shop. I think all the big box stores have an equivalent.
I had four LED bulbs around my garage and thought they were decent.
Then I put in 6 Barrina LED ballasts and quickly realized how wrong I was. I set them up as a rectangle that illuminates mostly my side of the garage, but still lights up the rest.
I have four 3-bulb lamp fixtures recessed in an 11 ft. high ceiling. Decent light but hate cold winter nights. I removed the lamps and put in LED outdoor flood lights. Terrific lighting but messes with the radio a bit.

Plus one on the Barrina Lights. I've installed them in my garage, and the transformation was AMAZING!
Get the super bright White Daylight ones.
This is the package I bought - $43.99
Highly recommend
Another Barina convert here. Everyone who’s seen them, in my shop, has ended up installing them in their shop.
I just had a 4' dual florescent go out, both bulbs at the same time, so the ballast is shot. I replaced it with this:
Woa. That thing is BRIGHT. Must be like twice as bright as the florescent next to it. Do Recommend. Five stars. Will buy again.
11/8/19 5:17 p.m.
I had some of the 48" 4000K LEDs installed in my garage, and it's great. Bright, white light, no warm up time, etc.
Well I just placed an order for the Barrina's. Hope it turns out as good as everyone says!
11/8/19 5:57 p.m.
I have been buying T5-HO fixtures from Homey's for the last couple years. Some bulb manufacturers actually warn you against using them with a low ceiling because of reflection. I ordered a box of 25 bulbs from 1000bulbs.com and they accidently sent me a case of 4 boxes. I called and thanked them but offered to have them send me a return label for the other boxes. I heard the guy clicking on a calculator and he said "Merry Christmas" just keep them. It was July.
The 54W HO bulbs put out around 5000 lumens each. I have them as high as 15' hanging off the ceiling and 3' above my fine detail bench. My 52 year old eyes love them either place. They claim to start well in cold weather but I rarely get below 40F where I am. I may look into the above mentioned LED's for over some of my machines.
Finally got around to hanging all of the leds. Went from quaint old repair shop to modern work enviroment!

11/20/19 11:27 a.m.
fiesta54 said:
Finally got around to hanging all of the leds. Went from quaint old repair shop to modern work enviroment!

You sir have a very interesting garage.
Ordered 8 Barinna
came all damaged. Wrote them a scathing review
they sent me 32 free ones in exchange for me to take down review
installed 10 in garage
10 in backyard
bright as day. All for free and still have 12 in box
In reply to mr2s2000elise :
and now we know your price...

mr2s2000elise said:
Ordered 8 Barinna
came all damaged. Wrote them a scathing review
they sent me 32 free ones in exchange for me to take down review
installed 10 in garage
10 in backyard
bright as day. All for free and still have 12 in box
At that ratio, if I leave a bad review they should send me 96 free ones?
In reply to AngryCorvair :
I am a whore
In reply to fiesta54 :
No clue. They said amazon damaged the product and they will ship direct from them instead of amazon. Never told me how many are coming. 4 boxes showed up . All money credited. I am happy
Brotus7 said:
fiesta54 said:
Finally got around to hanging all of the leds. Went from quaint old repair shop to modern work enviroment!

You sir have a very interesting garage.
Haha thanks, definitely beats working on Kias's all day. This is the other side!

I have 4ft. two bulb lamps in my cellar. I replaced two bulbs with LED "direct replacement" lamps and they worked GREAT! (too damn bright first thing in the morning)
In the garage I have two fixtures recessed with three 4 ft. bulbs each. I replaced one bulb in each with LED direct replacements, NFG. They wouldn't light up. No idea why. Should I have replaced all three in each fixture?
11/21/19 4:30 p.m.
I bought a 10 pack of the Barinna 8’ LEDs after I learned about them here. Replacing twin tube flouro lights. I still have a couple to swap out. Brighter and quieter.
I am currently totally redoing the garage workshop/ parking area and have started trying to figure out how many lights i need.
I followed the link provided a few posts in and am not sure if i should get the 6 pack of the 8 pack. I have a standard 2 car garage, say 20 x 22 ish. Just got a fresh coat of white paint all over. 6 or 8?
But then when browsing Barina on Amazon I found these:
Different Barina shop lights
And these are a few bucks more but from what I can tell the difference is these are arranged in a V fashion for different light coverage.
Which to buy?
Which color range?
I have the V-shaped ones on my ceiling. I have some that are just a frosted tube over my workbench. Both work well for where they are located.
5000k is what I like, anything lower is too dull and I already had a few in 5000k that I wanted to match. I haven't tried any of the 6000k or higher.
914Driver said:
I have four 3-bulb lamp fixtures recessed in an 11 ft. high ceiling. Decent light but hate cold winter nights. I removed the lamps and put in LED outdoor flood lights. Terrific lighting but messes with the radio a bit.
I've noticed this too- I put up LED lights and now all but the strongest FM stations are all buzzy. Anyone else have this problem? Is it just something that happens with cheap LED lights or is this endemic to the technology?