Also, in the machine shop I work in, we can expect about a six-month lifespan on the semi-synthetic machine coolant. When it goes rank, it really goes rank. As in, when it's completely sludged up in the tank and the film over the top has "eyeballs" where the anaerobic bacteria partying underneath bubbles up lethal death farts. At that point it's eye-watering, but right before....
For about a week before the ooze comes alive, ya know it's going to go off because there is this lovely delicate peanut butter-like smell. I'm always a bit leery of off-brand peanut butter candies and crackers, because what if they just managed to have that stuff survive for longer than a week....
2-stroke bike exhaust... or any 2-stroke exhaust for that matter
Coal Tar Pitch.
Type three steep asphalt cooking at about 450-475 deg in a kettle
The smoke from hot air welding PVC (Sarnafil) roofing
2170 adhesive ( pre the new VOC regs)
I almost forgot one of my favorites...
Burning down a 6011 welding rod.
Must be something with the cellulose in it I suppose.
rustybugkiller said:
This got me thinking. Can you buy candles that smell like pipe tobacco?
I used to roll pipe tobacco in cigarette papers a long time ago. (Note: This is kind of a bad idea, pipe tobacco is much too coarse/wet to roll well, and it doesn't burn all that well either without the heat-retention properties of a pipe)
I used to use fuel scent in the RX-7 all the time. Cherry and vanilla flavors made the exhaust smell a lot like some pipe tobaccos. And then, at a 2 day rallycross in Michigan, I woke up early and went over to EvanB's Miata to spike his fuel with some as a prank, but I couldn't figure out how to open the fuel door. I heard a tent zipper unzip and I froze, caught. It was cghstang who was codriving the Miata. He instantly grasped what I was trying to do, and quietly said "The release is behind the driver's seat"...
My sister bought me this candle

In reply to Datsun310Guy :
Those are pretty pricey. Does it smell anything like pipe tobacco? Asking for a friend.
Woody said:

While I was getting dressed for church this morning, I spied my bottle of Hoppes No. 9 in the closet. After this thread, of course I had to smell it.
In reply to Toyman01 :
Yes but I’m not a candle guy
In reply to Knurled. :
And then i wondered for a week why my car smelled so much like yours.
7/15/18 7:10 p.m.
Old toyotas. They all smell the same, and I like old toyotas.
I'll add one that I just encountered today:
Thermal paste (used on heat sinks).
7/15/18 10:24 p.m.
In reply to Brett_Murphy :
Ooh, I've caught a whiff of that a few times.
My farts....
.... hey, someone had to say it.
7/16/18 1:34 a.m.
Neighbour came over to have a look at my '61 Chevy Apache (I recently hauled it home after getting it mobile - it had been parked for 20 years). She said it smells just like her grandpa. Brought back a bunch of memories.
Brand new reloading dies. Not sure if it is the oil them coat them with or what.
Dog paws.
All the crap they step in and somehow they smell like Fritos!