Since June 22nd 2015 I've endured 5 major surgeries (4 of which were longer than 10 hours) utilizing a total of a whooping 66 units of O+ in the process. It's a simple fact that I wouldn't be alive without the selfless donations made by others. It's a simple thing to do, that many don't opt to do or often forget to. So a huge thank you to those that do. Throughout my journey it's something that I've largely overlooked until today.
4/26/16 6:12 a.m.
As an O+ donor in your fairly local area, you're very welcome! Keep fighting the good fight, we're all rooting for you!
4/26/16 6:48 a.m.
I donated regularly until I spent too many years on the mission field in at-risk areas, and am now restricted.
But I also wanted to express my appreciation for those who give. Thank you.
4/26/16 6:53 a.m.
How to contribute without bragging...? Yes, I donate as well, though they seem to really want just my plasma. It's great as I can go very often, but it's bad because I'm hooked up to a giant IV for over an hour. I intend to go again next week. I'm glad you're making good use of that stuff! I'm always amazed at their supply chain on such a precious and rare substance.
Haven't gone in two years, got 13 gallons on record.
Thanks for reminding me, I need to get out and do this.
If your morning wood is stiffer than usual, you probably got some of my O+. You're welcome.
I went few years ago because my oldest son has had something like 30 transfusions. I was declined because I lived on a farm in the UK during the Creutsfeldt Jakob - and I know that is spelled wrong. - thing
I've tried numerous times, and every time have been turned away because of being an military brat in Europe in the 80's. 
They won't take mine because of Crohn's.
Ya'll should be very grateful that homosexual males can now give blood again (under certain circumstances) but that apparently military brats that were in Europe 30 years ago cannot because, you know, that would be high risk.
Anyway, yeah, thanks you blood donor guys. I emptied out the whole Texas blood bank and was starting in on the Louisiana blood bank once. I had 8 people in a burn unit and the least burnt was 60% TBSA. They go through blood like water, err... Lactated Ringer's.
If you got a little buzz, it might have been mine 
I used to give blood regularly. But the last few years I have been on meds that keep me from doing so. I am pretty much done with those and will have to check with my doctor to see if I am clear to start donating again.
As a wimp I've never donated blood but have wanted to at some point.
Reading this thread was making the decision to go easier but as a Spaniard I see that I'm not eligible.
I was living there for more than 5 yrs in the 80s but have been in the US for 28.
Pity in a way.
Yeah, they won't take my blood either, for a number of reasons.
I can't give either, but am grateful for the givers. 9 units from some very awesome people saved my life one day back in 1997.
I can and should give more often. Thanks for the reminder.
4/26/16 9:59 p.m.
Thanka, thankavurramuch....
The last time I gave, I had a vaso reaction and passed out after I had finished giving. I started to sit up and bam... lights out.
I've not given again since. I think it's time to put my big boy pants on and do it, though.
the last time i donated i was thc positive, ive since grown up but never seem to get back too donating.
I too am not allowed to donate blood, for various reasons mostly having to do with the military. Red Cross was not nice about that. Some years ago a whole bunch of us got very nasty threatening letters from them about it, warning us about the ways they would hurt us if we ever darkened their doors again.
But, I'm fine as an organ donor. Go figure.
In reply to dropstep:
Pain relief along with a blood transfusion, double win
It really does surprise me that in this day and age that they don't have just a few very limiting factors that expressly prohibit people from donating (currently have a blood-borne disease) and for those that they consider a bit of a risk (like myself and any others in Europe during the Mad Cow era) they just flag the units of blood and put them through additional testing, especially for those people with rarer/more useful blood types.
4/27/16 9:45 a.m.
I've tried donating a half dozen times, but I've never found a tech who could get a whole unit out of me, unfortunately. I gave up trying.