Smokers, not grills.
My son, the chef, has been smoking meats for the restaurant at home and needs something bigger.
He's looking for some ideas. He was thinking of about 6' of smoking area. Anyone have an cool and simple ideas? He's thinking that as a side effect he can learn to weld doing this.
I just have a super small vertical ATM. I'm also wanting to build me a larger offset style or something like this:

6/17/13 4:59 p.m.
I have a really small one I made out of a couple of 14" clay pots, I need to make a bigger one someday.
Dude, I totally thought this was what you were talking about...

My dad and I built this several years ago, back in my college days, was great for big parties, tail gating, & Row Week Cook Off (though the other Fraternities seemed to think it was a "Cater Off" not a "Cook Off." but I'm not bitter).
Was almost all scrap, ~18"+ ID pipe, a free 3500 lb axle/springs (I think I bought tires), a plow blade, bar grating, and some other random metal. Was all booger welded together with an ancient Lincoln "tombstone" stick welder. For my birthday that year my dad bought me "scrap to make a smoker." How, cheap, er, I mean Grassroots is that? I loved it, and had a great time building it, haven't done a project like that with him since, I need to move closer to home.
It's a pretty classic L design, with a grill surface between the fire box and vertical smoke chamber.
Only pictures I could find, from one of the Row Week Cook Offs, many moons ago. It's had a few modifications since then, but nothing drastic.
Hmm, I wonder where that shirt is?

Lee now that looks like it would feed a crowd.
6/18/13 8:34 a.m.
I've used some huge clay pots/grill grate/heating coil before, worked fairly well. Dad uses a pretty kickass fancy cookshack smoker that works flippin' great. It'd be fun to build one out of a couple steel drums, no idea where we'd keep it though.
Zomby Woof wrote:
Dude, I totally thought this was what you were talking about...
I love the fact that you just grabbed a quick cell-phone pic of your setup!
pinchvalve wrote:
Zomby Woof wrote:
Dude, I totally thought this was what you were talking about...
I love the fact that you just grabbed a quick cell-phone pic of your setup!
guy 1: get me a toilet paper roll, a corkscrew and some tin foil.
guy 2: We dont have a corkscrew.
guy 1: All right. Then get me an avocado, an ice pick and my me man, Ive made [things for smoking] with less!!!
6/18/13 12:08 p.m.
Guy 1 was a Baldwin brother... Steven was it?
So not many on the forum smoke their own meats?
I do . . . But I bought an electric smoker. It was almost as cheap as building the Alton Brown clay pot smoker.
I do. I have a Brinkman smoker. Thought about building one, but when I smoke, it's usually only for the two of us, and the Brinkman is plenty big.
I don't like smoked meats so I'm no help. My contribution to the project, other than the hard labor probably, is this thread and all the wonderous information I'm sure to receive. 
A friend of my sons used a 200 gallon oil tank. Apparently it works very well.
Do a Google search for "UDS" i.e. Ugly Drum Smoker. There's a lot of folks on another forum I frequent that build/use those a lot.
bigdaddylee82 wrote:
Do a Google search for "UDS" i.e. Ugly Drum Smoker. There's a lot of folks on another forum I frequent that build/use those a lot.
- Lee
Now that search got some results! My other searches got very mixed results.
It helps if you know the lingo.