I got bored at work and decided to create a gaming rig to use during "down time". In IT we really don't have that, but if we did, the gaming setup we'd use would look something like this . . .

Then there's the backup, just incase one of the machine's should go down . . .LOL

Just for shytes and giggles, LOL!
I can say that I honestly love my job sometimes
10/30/08 6:51 p.m.
Buahahaha! That's fantastic.
I found some mods for UT2k4, included in one is a badass gametype called "Invasion". If you can find it, it rocks, especially for small groups.
Basically all the players are on one team fighting off an invading swarm. It's the players against a bunch of stupid vermin, and the only goal is to survive. Eventually, you won't. Each wave gets successively deadlier. You don't respawn until a new round starts. When all the players die in the same round, game-over.
It turns into crazy blistering chaos. Especially when two people go into retreat mode, with a massive swarm following them... and then run past each other.
New Reader
10/30/08 6:52 p.m.
Instagib CTF FTW [/UT2K4 lingo]
Dude, you have to hook me up with that mod . . .I'm rocking this as an external server with permission based access. (Basically, it uses Active Directory to tell the computer if you're allowed to share the game or not, LOL!)
I would love to get some face time on that! Does it work on an outside server or is it LAN play only? To be honest, I'm not very good with Unreal Tournament anymore, I started playing when I bought it for my Dreamcast, I then got decent. When I stopped, the skills fell off.
I picked up UT2k4 in hopes of getting better, and I'm addicted all over again. Now UT3 is out, but I need to get good before facing that foe. I'm also afraid to play online because I remember how good you had to be in order to do decently online mode. There's no way I'd survive.
Alonso . . .you're crazy dude . . .lets get some GRM net-action going on. I'll host!
10/30/08 7:11 p.m.
I don't know if it works on an outside server. I've only ever done it on a LAN. 2-5 of us playing that is never ending fun. It might be that all players are required to have the same Mod.
I'll look through my stuff and see what I can do to get you hooked up with it. I'm not sure how big the file is, or where you might find it online. I'll get back to you.
If you have an FTP site I can upload it to for you, that could make things a lot easier.
That's a good transfer site, unless it's over 100 megs.
That totally beats my water-cooled desktop. LOL 
I'm so jealous :( At my office, the definition of "playing games" is going off to do a side task because you were about to die of boredom doing something more important.
HAHAHA, well I just loaded all of my emulators and roms
Yeup . . that's my NES, SNES, Genesis, and N64 Roms and emulators . . .a pretty decent collection, makes lunch time fly by though :(
Super Mario Brothers 3 . . .now THERE'S something I wish we could play online multiplayer, LOL!