Cool beans on any muscle car or Vette only? My buddy jokingly said I should put them on the Spirit since I need exhaust. Thought it wouldn't look that bad and then googled up this:
I like it.
Cool beans on any muscle car or Vette only? My buddy jokingly said I should put them on the Spirit since I need exhaust. Thought it wouldn't look that bad and then googled up this:
I like it.
They're like flames. You either have to be able to back them up, or have to be obviously making fun of yourself.
Watch out, though. They hot.
Keith wrote: They're like flames. You either have to be able to back them up, or have to be obviously making fun of yourself. Watch out, though. They hot.
I can back them up by lighting the posi with 295 rear tires. This car doesn't go over 125 but it gets there pretty damn fast.
A friend of mine says nice side pipes let women know how big your dick is.
Since he has em on his Comet I'm thinking he meant it to be positive.
(Do it)
TURN THE TIPS DOWN! That will help you meet sound requirements at tracks. and blow some really cool dust bunnies on dirt roads.
I put them on a SAAB Sonnet and they looked and sounded very cool.
watch out for kids getting out of the back seat. my mom had them on her 76 firebird formula when i was about 4 and when i put my leg to the ground to get out of the back seat i fried a giant part of skin off.
I'm more of a fan of Trans-Am race-car style side-exit pipes, but traditional style pipes on a muscle car rarely looks out of place.
patgizz wrote: watch out for kids getting out of the back seat. my mom had them on her 76 firebird formula when i was about 4 and when i put my leg to the ground to get out of the back seat i fried a giant part of skin off.
You learn from it... I did the smae on my father's z28..
I have a set and a V8 RX7, the thought has crossed my mind several times,
Only had 2 people so far say no. They were both old and thought factory on a Vette or Cobra only.
I effectively have no back seat. It hasn't been put up since the day I bought it.
Curmudgeon wrote: Not big on side pipes myself. OTOH, side exit exhaust...Oh yes.
that rocks. FWIW, my datsun replica is getting an exhaust treatment that's best described as "I wish I could afford a lake header kit on a $201x budget"
I love them on Vettes, and the odd part is that they sound really mellow, at least stock. Take or leave the look. They are easier to route, and are very different. Go for it. I hate rear exhaust. I've never routed it there on purpose, if I am not heading to the side I do turndowns, exhaust tips are ugly.
Curmudgeon wrote: Not big on side pipes myself. OTOH, side exit exhaust...Oh yes.
So, take a 4 door car and screw a cheap looking fender flare into two of them. Then if that wasn't bad enough, make a big hole in at least one of them to route the exhaust through. Perhaps it displays ingenuity but it does not strike me as ingenious.
yes....I like the ones without the these:
I always had a chubby for Thrush sidepipes myself, but it takes a serious amount of testosterone to rock a set today.
Dooo eeet.
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