because we need to protect nascar and babies from terrorists...
I blame people with 2 arms. cause 1 armed people are cuddly.
apparently the 4th amendment no longer applies to the bush administration.
I am sorry, I thought you implied that Bush was in charge in Washington...
The Cheney administration should be brought up on charges for their actions over the last seven years.
Wow, berkeley that, my laptop stays at home from now on anytime I need to cross a border.
The 4th Amendment has never applied at the border.
billy3esq wrote:
The 4th Amendment has never applied at the border.
I blame 2 armed people.
What about all the business travelers? I know for a fact if my work computer was seized the company would have some very angry powerful lawyers trying to get it back, now.
Who the hell would even WANT to go through that much berkeleying data? Jesus! Can you imagine the guy at the customs office just browsing through one laptop after another looking for E36 M3? I'd quit if I were in his shoes.
"analyze the information transported by any individual attempting to enter, re-enter, depart, pass through, or reside in the United States."
At what poing does that become we can sieze the laptop or other electronic storage device from anybody already living in the US?
I know the G8 agreed to allow electronic searches to look for illegal software and media.. but I ask the question, what is illegal media? I have 30gigs of music on my laptop.. all from CDs I own, what do you think are the chances somebody would think they are illegal?
They can have my laptop when they hack it through my cold dead internet connection!
ignorant wrote:
apparently the 4th amendment no longer applies to the bush administration.
So Bush himself took the bull by the horns and did it all by himself did he?
wow this is truly a BS move...I'm sorry but if I'm going to be transferring some sort of "dangerous electronic material" I swear to you that you would never find a trace of it on my laptop.
Also look closer at it, it is not just your computer but your MP3 player, cell phone, flash drives, any disks that may contain data, that includes your flash media in your digital cameras...
Basically if you are traveling across the border and back they have given themselves a built in excuse to search and detain just about everyone that crosses the borders. Guess I'll need to start using my old film cameras when I'm working outside of the country again.
The saddest thing is it is getting to the point the only way to reverse the direction the government is going will be to have a revolution.
i blame bush
i blame 2 armed people
i blame puppies.
So If I'm an American citizen coming into the country, from an out of the the country business trip the 4th amendment dosen't apply? I doubt that.
carguy123 wrote:
ignorant wrote:
apparently the 4th amendment no longer applies to the bush administration.
So Bush himself took the bull by the horns and did it all by himself did he?
yup cause administration means one person.

8/2/08 3:30 a.m.
From the article:
"Preventing customs agents from searching laptops "would open a vulnerability in our border by providing criminals and terrorists with a means to smuggle child pornography or other dangerous and illegal computer files into the country," Cunningham said."
Hasn't he ever heard of email? Or the internet?
One of the things that I thought of last night is I've started getting hired for some photography work and I'll also be carrying my gear with me when I'm doing my biology research work. My backup camera is an old 35mm Nikon FE that is older than I am (my dad gave it to me). What if they decide to search my information that is coming across the border, that would include my film, what do you think the chances are of them exposing my rolls of unused film to make sure someone wasn't just being "clever" and making it look like unused film? Or that they would properly develop the film with pictures I had taken on it? A single picture could be worth thousands of dollars to me even if it is only sold as a stock photo. You think the government will reimburse us for things like that? Yeah right.
biggest pile of bull E36 M3 ever.
Security Theater. Welcome the revolution Comrades.
This happened on Bush's watch. He had a hand in advocating the Dept of Homeland Insecurity. So yes...Bush's fault. The worst 8 years in our nations history. Get used to hearing that. Your kids will learn that phrase in school for decades to come.
Everytime you're in airport security getting hassled by someone who should be working at Wal-mart...say to yourself "Thank you George Bush. You are truly the great Republican we know you to be."
Constitution? What Constitution?
why do I have this funny fealing that Bush will find a way to enforce the "indefinetly post-pone the election/stay in office" executive order that he came up with.
I think there would be revolution if that happens. Anybody have the plans to the guilitine?
neon4891 wrote:
why do I have this funny fealing that Bush will find a way to enforce the "indefinetly post-pone the election/stay in office" executive order that he came up with.
Nah. He wants out. The question is what will be done about all the Republicans illegally installed in Attorney General's offices across the U.S. That could have some far reaching consequences as they may stay in office past the sell-by date of the current administration.
Then we can discuss the dmg to the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Anyone, Dem or Rep, with that much power in the Oval Office is a bad, bad thing.
It's Alien vs. Predator all over again. We f'ed either way.
so, is McCaine the alien(he was born out of country...) and Obama the predator?
I don't want McCain bursting out of my chest!
Honestly, I actually feel sorry for whoever gets into office. Rep or Dem.. they have a hell of a mess to clean up
Companies are issuing a new clean Laptop to employees to travel. Get where you are going, download your info to work and wipe it clean before you get back on the plane.
bigwrench wrote:
Companies are issuing a new clean Laptop to employees to travel. Get where you are going, download your info to work and wipe it clean before you get back on the plane.
not mine.
we're $20B and no mention
zomG the terrorists are could bring in prON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those crazy terrorists. Instead of using any of the free and stupid easy ways to securely transmit data in an untraceable fashion over the internet they've decided to put a guy on a plane with an unencrypted laptop to carry the data over.
Even if they did manage to find the one person who really was carrying some sort of important data, the criminal would only have to supply them with the "duress" password and the partition with the real data on it is completely hidden and undetectable. This assumes that criminal organizations would invest in even the simplest of encryption technologies.
Easy workaround: Backup uploaded to FTP server. Wipe laptop clean. Cross border. Restore laptop.
More importantly, how does some dork that works for the border patrol even going to know if the data he sees is something important or just a bunch of crap?