I will be in Chicago this weekend and I have a free day Sunday to do whatever. The hotel is walking distance to the Bean and all that. I will also have my car so i can travel a short distance.
Is there any automotive or motorcycle or gearhead stuff I MUST SEE while there?
If not that, how about any other cool stuff to check out.
Thanks guys/gals
Ditch the car--- downtown, it will be more hassle than help.
There isn't a ton of automotive related stuff right in the city, but there's lots of other stuff to do. Chicago has world-class museums--- check out the Museum of Science and Industry-- it's awesome. They have a working coal mine inside, a captured German WWII U-Boat and all kinds of amazing stuff. I haven't been there in years, but it was always my favorite growing up.
The Chicago Metropolitan Museum of Art is also top-notch---- if you are into that sort of thing. If you are, it's a don't miss.
Heading up to the observation deck of the Sears Tower (they call it the Willis Tower now) or the John Hancock building offers tremendous views. (if it isn't cloudy) It may also make you a bit queasy!
Stay away from Navy Pier---- It's an overpriced tourist trap
If you are there at night--- you owe it to yourself to see live music. Buddy Guy's is always a good bet, or Blue Chicago, or even Kingston Mines if you find yourself in Wrigleyville. Tons of great live music in that town--- pick up a "Reader" newspaper---- it will tell you who is playing and where.
If you must have a deep-dish Chicago style pizza Lou Malnoti's and Geno's East are iconic and good. (although I prefer Chicago-style thin pizza, which you can get nearly anywhere)
I haven't lived there in a while--- so I'm sure current locals will chime in. It's a fantastic city--- have fun!
I can say this, I enjoyed walking around the bean and up to Navy Pier(every closed except for coffee shops) on an early Sunday morning.
Very few people out and was able to get some nice pictures.
There is a mostly-cheesy seqway tour downtown. I would totally recommend it if you are not into museums. (the bean, the waterfront, museum campus down to soldier field, the river, great views, and segways are hilarious).
3/24/17 2:12 p.m.
I could probably be considered local as I live in the city last year and lived in the area for most of my life and still work downtown as well.
Ditch the car I just drove downtown in the loop to work today for a special circumstance and it was a pain in the butt. Are usually drive in the city limits about twice a year now that I don't live in the city anymore just leave the car at home.
For pizza I, Like Joe, I agree that Chicago style thin crust is the real thing to write home about. However for deep dish which I do love when I get about twice a year, mostly with people visiting from out of town, I recommend Pequods which is in Lincoln Park or Bucktown depending on who you ask, it's on Clybourn and I want to say Fullerton.
Other things that people haven't mentioned yet that you can do our go on an architectural boat tour on the river. This is a lot of fun and a good way to see the city even if you're not into architecture.
If you like donuts and don't mind waiting in a line, go to the doughnut vault. It's the best donuts I've ever had. Case if you're wondering if it is possible for a donut to be worth three dollars yes it is I would pay double that after waiting in the 30 minute line. Look up and find out where the Vault Van is and get the donuts from there. Much shorter line.
There's anything specific that you want to know let us know we can probably help out I do not recommend any car stuff in the city itself.
Sorry for the poor grammar in this post I am writing it via iPhone voice recognition just to try it out.
The Art Institute has great paintings. If you have time.
If the weather is decent, rent a bike. It is the most convenient way to get around the city and allows you to see a lot more. There are bike lanes and dedicated bike streets everywhere, and the rental stalls are everywhere. I tried to ride in traffic like the messengers and could not have been more scared if I went skydiving without a parachute. Stay in the bike lanes!
Will you have female companionship?
On one trip once with my wife we did a play and also rented a tandem bike and road the trail along the downtown beachfront.
She loved that bike trip and still talks about it years and years later.
If you have time hit The Billy Goat - even if you just peak in. Cheeseburger.
China town is one of my favorites and our favorite is........The Italian Village restaurant. Old school waiters are cool.
The brown line between the loop and its northern terminus provides some nice scenic views. If the water taxi is open, it's worth a try.
If you're going on vacation somewhere to get shot and I don't care if it's Afganistan, Iraq, Syria or Chicago, don't try to hide the fact and reason you're going by starting a thread inquiring about other things to do when shot as berkeley. Just start a thread asking recommendations for things to do when shot out of your mind in an environment where it's legal. My personal recommendations are live music, art museums and good local food.
In reply to DuctTape&Bondo:
:slow clap:
Also, I hear that Illinois is attempting to pass a bill to legalize marijuana.
The general Chicago area has gone downhill since they removed the car art display in Berwyn, Illinois.