This was interesting:
I've known about it before you even knew about it but I guess you could say that about a lot of things because I'm a hipster.
Seriously though, it's been on the watch list for quite some time. Ultimately what killed this kid was his first initial post about the site stating something like "Hey have you guys heard of this site before? Is it safe to use? Should I try it?" And it blew up from there. That same post was also the nail in the coffin.
The hit man thing was a side bar that totally ruined any chances of him actually getting offered a job by the federales.
I call him an almost genius.
TOR has been around for a long time too. If you consider yourself a techie and just found out about this technology you might want to re-label yourself as a suburbian techie who only knows what he reads in wired.
I am betting that there is an even darker web out there, one that deals in loud mufflers for motorcycles, truck nutz and hacked megasquirt controllers!
Had read about it not too long ago when he gave an interview (electronically) to some news site/magazine. Known about TOR for a while, but never bothered with it. Know several people who use it because they're paranoid about being watched/tracked. Not because they're doing anything particularly illegal (that I know of)- they're just way more concerned about privacy online than most people are.
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